> Research Grant Competitions

Deadline: 12/01/2025 – Public selection for the awarding of 1 research fellowship pursuant to Article 22 of Law No. 240 of December 30, 2010, GSD 05/BIOS-10 Cellular and Applied Biology, SSD BIOS-10/A Cellular and Applied Biology.
Announced by Rector’s Decree No. 687 of December 11, 2024, published on the website


Deadline: 12/01/2025 – Public selection for the awarding of one research fellowship pursuant to Article 22 of Law 30/12/2010, no. 240, Scientific and Disciplinary Group 13/ECON-07 – Business Economics and Management, Scientific and Disciplinary Sector: ECON-07/A Business Economics and Management.
Announced by Rector’s Decree no. 726 dated 19/12/2024, published on the website


> Competitions for fixed-term Researchers

Deadline: 22/08/2024   A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022  –  issued through Rector’s Decree no. 392/2024, published on the Official Gazette No. 59 of 23/07/2024  – Academic recruitment area code: 07/MVET-03 Infectious and Parasitic Animal Diseases – Scientific area code: MVET-03/B -Parasitology and Animal and Human Parasitic Diseases


Deadline: 03/06/2024 extended to 17/06/2024– A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 –  issued through Rector’s Decree no. 414/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 36 of 03/05/2024  – Academic recruitment area code:  06/A2 General pathology and clinical pathology, – Scientific area code: MED/02 History of medicine


Deadline: 03/06/2024 extended to 17/06/2024– A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 –  issued through Rector’s Decree no. 415/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 36 of 03/05/2024  – Academic recruitment area code: 06/A3 Microbiology and clinical microbiology – Scientific area code: MED/07 Microbiology and clinical microbiology


Deadline: 03/06/2024 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 –  issued through Rector’s Decree no. 413/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 36 of 03/05/2024 – Academic recruitment area code: 06/M1 General and applied hygiene, nursing sciences and medical statistics, – Scientific area code: MED/01 Medical statistics


Deadline: 03/06/2024 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 –  issued through Rector’s Decree no. 416/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 36 of 03/05/2024  – Academic recruitment area code: 06/A2 General pathology and clinical pathology – Scientific area code: MED/04 General pathology 


Deadline: 16/05/2024 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with time contract in tenure track (RTT) pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter b), Law No. 240  (as amended by Law n. 79/2022) – issued on 30/12/2010, with Rectoral Decree No 122/2023 published on the Official Gazette No. 31 of 16/04/2022 – SC 05/E2 Molecular Biology, SSD BIO/11 Molecular Biology


Deadline: 09/05/2024 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 –  issued by Rector’s Decree no.409/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 29 of 09/04/2024 – 05/E1 – General Biochemistry, SSD BIO/10 – Biochemistry


Deadline: 09/05/2024 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 –  issued by Rector’s Decree no.410/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 29 of 09/04/2024 – 05/F1 – Applied Biology, SSD BIO/13 – Applied Biology


Deadline: 09/05/2024 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 –  issued by Rector’s Decree no.411/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 29 of 09/04/2024 – 05/H1 – Human Anatomy, SSD BIO/16 – Human Anatomy


Deadline: 09/05/2024 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 –  issued by Rector’s Decree no.412/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 29 of 09/04/2024 – 05/H2 Histology – Settore scientifico-disciplinare: BIO/17 Histology


Deadline: 02/05/2024 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 –  issued by Rector’s Decree no.408/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 27 of 02/04/2024 – 06/M1 – Public Health, Nursing and Medical Statistics, SSD MED/01 – Medical Statistics


Deadline: 21/03/2024 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 – issued by Rector’s Decree no.407/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 15 of 20/02/2024 – 06/D4 – Skin, Infectious and Gatrointestinal Diseases,  SSD MED/12 – Gastroenterology


Deadline: 07/03/2024 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 – issued by Rector’s Decree no.401/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 11 of 06/02/2024 – SC 01/B1 Informatics, SSD INF/01 Informatics


Deadline: 07/03/2024 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 – issued by Rector’s Decree no.403/2024, published on the Official Gazette No. 11 of 06/02/2024  – SC 05/F1 Applied Biology, SSD BIO/13 Applied Biology


Deadline: 07/03/2024 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 – issued by Rector’s Decree no.404/2024, published on the Official Gazette No. 11 of 06/02/2024 – SC 14/C1 General Sociology, SSD SPS/07 General Sociology


Deadline: 07/03/2024 – Public selection for the recruitment of 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract defined in accordance with Article 24, paragraph 3, letter b) of Law No. 240 of December 30, 2010 – issued by Rector’s Decree no.405/2024, published in the Official Gazette No. 11 of 6/02/2024 – SC 05/G1 Pharmacology, clinical pharmacology, and pharmacognosy – Scientific disciplinary sector BIO/14 – Pharmacology.


Deadline: 15/02/2024 – Public selection announced by Rectoral Decree No. 3/2024 published in G.U. No. 5 of 16/01/2024 for the recruitment of 1 fixed-term and defined Researcher reserved – pursuant to Article 14, paragraph 6 septiesdecies of DL 30/4/2022 No. 36, converted, with modifications, by Law No. 79/2022, as amended by Article 26, paragraph 5 of DL 24/02/2023 No. 13 – for individuals who are, or have been, holders of RTDA contracts for a period of not less than one year, as provided for in the previous Article 24, paragraph 3, letter a) of Law No. 240/2010, or for individuals who have been holders of one or more research grants for a total duration of not less than three years, as provided for in the previous Article 22 of Law No. 240/2010 – SC 06/F1 Odontostomatological Diseases – SSD Med/28 Odontostomatological Diseases.


Deadline: 15/02/2024 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 – issued by Rector’s Decree no. 395/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 5 of 16/01/2023 – SC 06/N1 Sciences of health professions and applied medical technologies, SSD Med/47 bstetric and gynaecological nursing sciences


Deadline: 15/02/2024 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 – issued by Rector’s Decree no. 396/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 5 of 16/01/2023 – SC 06/M2 Forensic and occupational medicine,  SSD Med/44 Occupational Medicine


Deadline: 15/02/2024 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 – issued by Rector’s Decree no.397/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 5 of 16/01/2023 – SC 06/G1 General and specialist pediatrics and child neuropsychiatry, SSD  MED/38 General and Specialist Pediatrics


Deadline: 15/02/2024 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 – issued by Rector’s Decree no.399/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 5 of 16/01/2023 – SC 06/M2 Forensic and occupational medicine, SSD MED/43 – Legal Medicine

  • Download Call RD 399/2023 – Attachments
    The procedure referred to in Rector’s Decree No. 399/2023 has been cancelled.


Deadline: 15/02/2024 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 – issued by Rector’s Decree no. 400/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 5 of 16/01/2023 – SC 06/F1 Odontostomatological Diseases, SSD Med/28 Odontostomatological Diseases


Deadline: 18/01/2024  – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 – issued by Rector’s Decree no.250/2023 published on the Official Gazette n. 96 of 19/12/2023 – SC: 06/A1 Medical Genetics – SSD Med/03 Medical Genetics


Deadline: 21/12/2023 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter b), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010, issued by Rector’s Decree no. 327/2023 published on the Official Gazette n. 89 of 21/11/2023 – SC: 05/F1 – Applied Biology, SSD: BIO/13 – Applied Biology


Deadline: 30/11/2023 – Public selection for the assignment of n. 1 research grant pursuant to Article 24, paragraph 3, letter a) of Law No. 240 of December 30, 2010, in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 – issued by Rector’s Decree no.304/2023, published in the Official Gazette No. 83 on October 31, 2023 – Subject area: 06/I1 – Diagnostic Imaging, Radiotherapy, and Neuroradiology, SSD: Med/36 – Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy.


Deadline: 13/07/2023 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010, issued by Rector’s Decree no.155/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 44 of 13/06/2023 – SC: 05/F1 – Applied Biology, SSD: BIO/13 – Applied Biology


Deadline: 06/07/2023 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010, issued by Rector’s Decree no.150/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 42 of 06/06/2023 – SC: 06/F1 Odontostomatological Diseases, SSD: Med/28 Odontostomatological Diseases


Deadline: 22/06/2023 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter b), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010, issued by Rector’s Decree no.131/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 39 of 23/05/2023 – SC: 05/H2 Histology, SSD: BIO/17 Histology


Deadline: 08/06/2023 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010, issued by Rector’s Decree no.112/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 35 of 09/05/2023 – SC: 06/A3 – Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology, SSD: MED/07 – Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology


Deadline: 08/06/2023 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010, issued by Rector’s Decree no.113/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 35 of 09/05/2023 – SC: 05/D1 Physiology, SSD: BIO/09 Physiology


Deadline: 08/06/2023 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010, issued by Rector’s Decree no.114/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 35 of 09/05/2023 –SC: 06/A4 Pathological anatomy, SSD: MED/08 Pathological anatomy


Deadline: 08/06/2023 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010, issued by Rector’s Decree no.115/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 35 of 09/05/2023 – SC: 06/D5 Psychiatry, SSD: MED/25 Psychiatry


Deadline: 20/04/2023 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010, issued by Rector’s Decree no.63/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 22 of 21/03/2023 –06/F1 Odontostomatologic Diseases, SSD:MED/28 Odontostomatologic Diseases


> Calls for application for Research grant

Deadline: 12/06/2024 – Public selection for the assignment of n. 1 research grant pursuant to art. 22 of Law 30/12/2010, n. 240 – Academic Recruitment Field: 06/A1 Medical Genetics – SSD Med/03 Medical Genetics

Issued by Rector’s Decree n. 217 of 23/05/2023, published on the website


Deadline: 17/01/2024 – Public selection for the assignment of n. 1 research grant pursuant to art. 22 of Law 30/12/2010, n. 240 – Academic Recruitment Field: 06/A1 Medical Genetics – SSD Med/03 Medical Genetics

Issued by Rector’s Decree n. 389 of 21/12/2023, published on the website


Deadline: 17/01/2024 – Public selection for the assignment of n. 1 research grant pursuant to art. 22 of Law 30/12/2010, n. 240 – Academic Recruitment Field: 05/H2 Histology, SSD: BIO/17 Histology

Issued by Rector’s Decree n. 398 of 28/12/2023, published on the website


Deadline: 12/12/2023 – Public selection for the assignment of n. 1 research grant pursuant to art. 22 of Law 30/12/2010, n. 240 – Academic Recruitment Field: 06/D2 Endocrinology, Nephrology, and Sciences of Nutrition and Well-being – Scientific Disciplinary Area: MED/49 –Applied Technical Sciences in Dietetics

Issued by Rector’s Decree n. 345 of 20/11/2023, published on the website


Deadline: 16/10/2023 – Public selection for the assignment of n. 1 research grant pursuant to art. 22 of Law 30/12/2010, n. 240 – Academic Recruitment Field: 05/H1 HUMAN ANATOMY – Scientific Disciplinary Area: BIO/16 – HUMAN ANATOMY

Issued by Rector’s Decree n. 261 of 21/09/2023, published on the website


Deadline: 11/09/2023 – Public selection for the assignment of n. 1 research grant pursuant to art. 22 of Law 30/12/2010, n. 240 – Academic Recruitment Field 06/M1 General and Applied Hygiene, nursing sciences and Medical Statistics – Scientific Disciplinary Area: MED/45 – General, clinical and pediatric nursing sciences

Issued by Rector’s Decree n. 230 of 22/08/2023, published on the website


Deadline: 28/08/2023 – Public selection for the assignment of n. 1 research grant pursuant to art. 22 of Law 30/12/2010, n. 240 – Academic Recruitment Field 13/B2 Economics and business administration – Scientific Disciplinary Area: SECS-P/08 Economics and business administration

Issued by Rector’s Decree n. 218 of 04/08/2023, published on the website


Deadline: 28/08/2023 – Public selection for the assignment of n. 1 research grant pursuant to art. 22 of Law 30/12/2010, n. 240 – Academic Recruitment Field 05/F1- Applied Biology – Scientific Disciplinary Area: BIO/13 – Applied Biology

Issued by Rector’s Decree n. 226 of 04/08/2023, published on the website