• saviana.barbati@unicamillus.org

Saviana Antonella Barbati

Physiology – BIOS-06/A (formerly BIO/09)


Researcher at “Saint Camillus International University of Health Sciences” of Rome, graduated in Neurobiology in 2011 at “La Sapienza” University of Rome. In 2014 she obtained a PhD in Biophysics at the Catholic University of Rome.

From 2011 she has carried out her research activity at the Department of Neuroscience (Physiology section) at the Catholic University of Rome. From 2018 to 2021 she has workedfor UK-DRI at King’s College London.

Neuroscientist by training, she is a motivated researcher with a solid experience in the development of cellular and molecular biology protocols and experiments. She has also a great experience in the plan and execution of in vivo experimental studies. Her main scientific topics include the study of the molecular mechanisms underlying brain plasticity in physiological conditions and in neurodegenerative diseases. She is author of numerous publications in international journals with high scientific impact.