UniCamillus—big numbers at the Race for the Cure: running towards a future free from breast cancer

It was a memorable first time for the UniCamillus team: we are talking about the participation of UniCamillus University in the 2024 Race for the Cure, during the four-day Rome leg from Thursday 9 to Sunday 12 May.

UniCamillus boasts an extraordinary number of 90 registered people: students, faculty and staff, as well as many of our students who joined individually. The University showed a strong commitment to the fight against breast cancer and the promotion of prevention, as well as actively participating in fundraising to support the activities of Susan G. Komen Italia, a non-profit organisation at the forefront of this battle and promoter of the event.

The Race for the Cure, now in its 25th year, saw Rome’s Circo Massimo turn into a sea of pink, a symbol of solidarity and support for all those involved in the fight against the disease. The marathon, which attracted a record 150,000 participants, was an extraordinary occasion to raise awareness among citizens and institutions about the importance of prevention and research.

The presence of the UniCamillus team at the University’s stand helped to further spread the message on prevention. It was also gratifying to note how many young people are interested in pursuing a university career in the medical field, precisely in order to become active participants in the fight against breast cancer. This, indeed, is unfortunately still the leading cause of death among women in the 35-55 age group in Europe.

In addition to running and walking, the event offered a series of initiatives to promote health, wellbeing and an active lifestyle. The Villaggio della Salute (Health Village), in collaboration with the Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS and the Isola Tiberina-Gemelli Isola Hospital, offered as many as 4523 free services for the early diagnosis of breast cancer and other diseases, highlighting the importance of prevention and access to treatment.

The presence of illustrious personalities, including the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, underlined the importance of the event and the support of the institutions. In addition to the President, there were the Komen Italia President Daniela Terribile and Komen Italia Founder Riccardo Masetti, the President of the Race for the Cure Honour Committee Laura Mattarella, the Vice-President of the Chamber of Deputies Giorgio Mulè, the Minister of Health Orazio Schillaci, the Minister for Institutional Reforms Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati, the President of the Lazio Region Francesco Rocca, the Mayor of Rome Roberto Gualtieri, the Prefect of Rome Lamberto Giannini, the US Ambassador Jack Markell, the CONI President Giovanni Malagò, the Rome Police State Commissioner Carmine Belfiore, the Corps General Salvatore Camporeale, the Deputy Secretary General of Defence Luisa Riccardi, the Lieutenant General of the Carabinieri Teo Luzzi, the Commander of the National Fire Brigade Corps Carlo Dall’Oppio, as well as the testimonials of Komen Italia Maria Grazia Cucinotta and Rosanna Banfi. The event was coordinated by the talented journalist Olivia Tassara.

Household names gave the whole thing a ring, but let’s not forget that it was the athletes and volunteers who made the event possible, showing extraordinary commitment to the cause—tireless, one might say!

UniCamillus University, for its part, distinguished itself through the active involvement of its members who, by participating, informing or just simply wearing the event’s official jersey, bore witness to the fact that solidarity, team spirit and—why not?!—even fun, can make a difference in promoting life. Running—towards a future free from breast cancer.