International students in Italy and their positive impact on economy and society: the role of UniCamillus

Italy, with its cultural and academic heritage, is becoming an increasingly popular destination for international students. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, together with the Ministry of University and Research, is actively working to attract students from all over the world: this commitment not only promotes the cultural and scientific development of the students’ home countries, but also has a significant economic impact on our country.
In this regard, Uni-Italia, in collaboration with the Luigi Bocconi University, have organised a nationwide survey on the impact of international students in Italy. The responses, from students from various universities, were brought together in the study called “International Students in Italy: Main Features and Economic Impact – 2023”.
UniCamillus University could not fail to participate in the survey: our institution is a shining example of how Italy can attract students from all over the world, especially in the field of medical sciences.

Data on international students at UniCamillus

UniCamillus recorded specific data on its international students, providing a detailed picture of their experience and impact.
The vast majority of the respondents (95%) obtained their pre-university qualifications in their home country and are currently studying medical sciences. In addition, more than 75% of them are enrolled in bachelor’s degree programmes.
While half of them are renting houses they share with other people, almost 90% travel by public transport. 13% have benefited from scholarships while 85% are financially supported by their families.
Also, 85% have taken an Italian language course organised by our University, while 80% would recommend their experience as international students in Italy.

Economic and social impact

This data shows that international students make a significant economic contribution in both the short and long term.
During their stay, students have to pay for accommodation, food, transport and other necessities, thus stimulating the local economy.
In the long term, graduates may become cultural and professional ambassadors of Italy in their home countries, thus fostering economic relations and international collaboration.
Attracting international students is also crucial to addressing demographic and social challenges, such as the falling birth rate and the outflow of young talent abroad.
Initiatives like this survey promote greater awareness of the benefits of international education as an essential element of Italian attractiveness.