• federica.censi@unicamillus.org

Federica Censi

Information technology - INFO-01/A (formerly INF/01)
Data processing systems - IINF-05/A (formerly ING-INF/05)


Federica Censi received the degree in Electronic Engineering in 1996 from the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and a PhD in Biomedical engineering in 2001 from the University of Bologna. In 1997 she obtained the Master in Networking from the CEFRIEL Research Center.

Federica Censi has carried out and carries out the coordination of numerous research activities, collaborating and coordinating research projects in the field of acquisition and processing of cardiovascular signals, development of prototypes and electromagnetic compatibility of medical devices.

Federica Censi has been a professor at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering of the University of Rome 3 and at the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’, in biomedical engineering subjects. At the same universities she has carried out numerous seminar activities and co-supervisor of degree theses. She has also held teaching positions in Masters and in training courses organized by scientific societies in the field of electromagnetic compatibility, medical devices and processing of biomedical signals.

She has participated with more than 60 contributions at national and international conferences and as an invited speaker at conferences and workshops on topics related to atrial fibrillation, technologies and perspectives in the field of remote control of implantable devices, the regulation of medical devices, also in the field of medical apps and innovative technologies and the electromagnetic compatibility of medical devices.

Federica Censi has carried out and carries out institutional activities related to the regulation and control of medical devices in terms of inspection activities and participation in national and international technical committees in the field of proposals and revision of technical standards. She is also involved in the drafting of technical reports in the drafting of institutional responses.

She has carried out activities as an expert in medical devices for the “Consiglio Superiore di Sanità” and the Ministry of Health, for the Ministry of the Interior, and for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She has carried out and carries out expert activities within the Data Safety Monitoring Board regarding clinical studies for the evaluation of new technologies applied to medical devices.

Since 2017 she has participated in the activities of the cerebrovascular events registry of the CUORE Project and since 2020 she has participated in the Defibrillator and Pacemaker Registry (RIDEP), included in the activities related to the Italian Implantable Prosthesis Registry (established in ISS with the Prime Ministerial Decree 03/03/2017). From 2015 to 2017 she was involved in the evaluation of research projects involving the use of an animal model. She is a reviewer of scientific publications in journals in the field of bioengineering, data processing, cardiac stimulation and cardiology and genomics and is part of the editorial board of several international journals in the cardiovascular field and biomedical signal processing.

Federica Censi is the owner or co-owner of 4 patents, in the field of medical devices and innovative technological solutions for the processing and transmission of signals, including biomedical ones.

She is the author of more than 170 scientific publications in national and international journals.