• stefano.signoretti@unicamillus.org

Stefano Signoretti

Neurosurgery - MEDS-15/A (formerly MED/27)


Board Certificate Neurosurgeon since 1998, he is at present the Director and Chief of the Neurosurgery Division of the S. Eugenio/C.T.O. hospitals with the A.S.L. Roma2, in Rome, Italy.
Most of his research activities were committed to study the complex pathophysiology of the intracranial volumes homeostasis, either on experimental models or in the clinical setting, with particular dedication to Intracranial Pressure disturbances, and metabolic, bio-molecular and genetic sequelae following Traumatic and Spontaneous Brain Injury. The investigation concerning the nature of post-injury “Brain Swelling” as regard to “brain edema” and “vascular engorgement” produced significant published data, nowadays included in the international guidelines. Teaching Professor of Neurosurgery since 2002, Chief of the Neurotrauma Section with the Italian Society of Neurosurgery in 2012 and 2016, has achieved the National Academic qualification as “Associate and Full Professor” of Neurosurgery (O6/E3) in 2012. Since 2016, he is member of the Sport Concussion Common Data Elements (C.D.E.) Working Group with the U.S. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (N.I.N.D.S.), the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). (https://www.commondataelements.ninds.nih.gov.). Scopus H index: 26.

1992: M.D. Degree.
1998: Board Certification in Neurosurgery.
1997-2001: Fellowship in Traumatic Brain Injury.
2012: National Academic Qualification of Associate and Full Professor 2018: Director and Chief Division of Neurosurgery