An interview with Professor Vittorio Unfer about polycystic ovaries

Professor Vittorio Unfer, a lecturer in Gynaecology and Midwifery at UniCamillus, answers questions from Luciano Onder on the TG5 Salute programme (segment of the programme about health) to shed light on polycystic ovary syndrome, a common issue among women of childbearing age.

Irregular or even absent menstrual cycles: this is just one of the symptoms that could indicate the presence of polycystic ovaries. Professor Vittorio Unfer, a lecturer in Gynaecology and Midwifery at UniCamillus, answers questions from Luciano Onder on the TG5 Salute programme (segment of the programme about health) to shed light on polycystic ovary syndrome, a common issue among women of childbearing age.

Watch the interview on the TG5 Salute programme