Call of UniCamillus - Archive 2020

CALLS 2020

> Call for application for type A Researcher

Deadline: 24/12/2020 – Public selection for the assignment of n.1 fixed-term position for type A researcher, at UniCamillus University, SC 02/D1 – Applied physics, physics history and didactics, SSD FIS/07 – Applied physics (to cultural heritage, environmental assets, biology and medicine)

Cofinancing: Regione Lazio PO FSE 2014-2020 included in the POR FSE 2014/2020 within the ASSE III – Education and training, Investment priority 10 ii) – Specific objective 10.5.

Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.

Deadline: 22/11/2020 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010, with Rectoral Decree No 86 published on the Official Gazette No. 83 of 23/10/2020 – SC D1 – Physiology – SSD Bio/09 – Physiology

  • Download Call for application DR 86/2020 (in Italian)

Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.

Deadline: April 16, 2020  – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on December 30th 2010, with Rectoral Decree No.14/2020 published on the Official Gazette No. 22 of March 17th 2020  – SC 13/B1 – Business administration and accounting studies – SSD SECS-P/07 Business administration and accounting studies

Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.


> Call for application for Research fellowship

Deadline: 08/12/2020 – Public selection for the assignment of 1 research fellowship pursuant to art. 22 of Law 30/12/2010, no. 240
Competition Sector 13/B2: ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS MANAGEMENT – Scientific Disciplinary Sector: SECS P08
Announced by Rector’s Decree of 11/17/2020 no. 113, published on the website

  • Download Call for application DR 114/2020 (in Italian)

Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.