

The first edition has come to a successful close, reaffirming UniCamillus’ international vocation. The first edition of the CPD second-level course in “Advanced Surgical Extraction and Implantology” (ASEI) has concluded after a year, bringing with it the success of an advanced programme and internationally renowned professors. Just yesterday, on Thursday, 28th September, the participants presented their...
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Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of mortality worldwide, but prevention can make a difference World Heart Day is celebrated on 29th of September and was established by the World Heart Federation. Its goal is to raise awareness among citizens about the importance of cardiovascular prevention. While cardiovascular disease (such as heart diseases and strokes) is among the...
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The UniCamillus Medical English Pronunciation course ‒ the first of its kind in Italy ‒ is specifically designed for university lecturers and is part of the CPD programme offered by the UniCamillus Language Centre (UCLC). The course starts next week (on 2nd and 6th of October) and focuses on English phonetics. For our University, which...
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A disease that has no cure and is hard to predict, but it can be controlled: the importance of early diagnosis and appropriate lifestyle 21st September 2023 marks World Alzheimer’s Day, a date established in 1994 by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and by Alzheimer’s disease international (ADI). This day is aimed at focusing on...
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Professor Vittorio Unfer, a lecturer in Gynaecology and Midwifery at UniCamillus, answers questions from Luciano Onder on the TG5 Salute programme (segment of the programme about health) to shed light on polycystic ovary syndrome, a common issue among women of childbearing age. Irregular or even absent menstrual cycles: this is just one of the symptoms that...
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Widely spread, yet little known: lymphoma, the tumour that affects the lymphatic system, deserves more attention as an early diagnosis is essential for treatment. With a focus on the emotional well-being of patients. As in previous years since 2004, the 15th September marks World Lymphoma Awareness Day (WLAD). This annual event started from an initiative by the Lymphoma...
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Chirurgia dei terzi molari, Estetica dentale e faccette no-prep | 29 September 2023
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Established in 1996, the day aims to raise awareness of this important profession, with numerous events taking place worldwide It has been 72 years since the establishment of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy – also known as World Physiotherapy (WP) – in Copenhagen on 8th September 1951. Therefore, it is no coincidence that World Physiotherapy Day...
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