There is a need for more systematic use of Medically Assisted Reproduction (MAR) techniques. This is the message that has emerged from the congress of the Società Italiana della Riproduzione (SIdR) held at UniCamillus on 30 November and 1 December 2023. The event was organised by the President of the SIdR, Professor Ermanno Greco, who...Read More
The Students for Research project, conceived and promoted by UniCamillus, involves students in medical and scientific research even before they complete their studies. UniCamillus is the first university in Italy to involve medical students in research projects as an integral part of their studies. The initiative, promoted by the Director of the CPD course in...Read More
On Wednesday 15 November, the Senate of the Republic hosted the conference “Digital Health 2023: Present and Future Cardiology“, promoted by Senator Antonio Guidi, in collaboration with ANIC (Associazione Nazionale Innovazione Cardiovascolare) and organised by DreamCom. The event explored how telemedicine, artificial intelligence (AI) and other technological innovations are revolutionising healthcare services, particularly in the...Read More
On Friday 24 November, UniCamillus hosted an important event in the “Horizons of Medicine” series entitled “Medicine and Astronauts: Exploring Health in Space“. The fascinating topic of space medicine was addressed, focusing on the effects of the space environment on the human body and the development of strategies in an effort to maintain the health and...Read More
The ceremony is a symbolic moment where fourth-year medical students put on a white coat representing doctors’ values UniCamillus has hosted a White Coat Ceremony, a symbolically important event where fourth-year students of the MSc Medicine and Surgery were granted the privilege of wearing the coveted white coat. This marks the transition from theory to practice, from...Read More
She is beautiful. It’s an obvious fact, so much so that she has won the title of the most beautiful in Italy! But Miss Italy 2023, 19-year-old Francesca Bergesio, from the piemontese province of Cuneo and a first-year Medical student at UniCamillus, is not just beautiful. Francesca has clear ideas, a dream of saving lives...Read More
The winner of Miss Italy 2023 is a UniCamillus student. Her name is Francesca Bergesio, she is 19 years old and comes from Bra, in the province of Cuneo. She is enrolled in the first year of the MSc Medicine and Surgery at the UniCamillus University in Rome. The joy of receiving the title last...Read More
Radiology, innovation that bridges the past and the future, for ever more precise and less invasive diagnoses: an interview with Professor Argirò. Today, 8 November, we celebrate International Day of Radiology (IDoR) 2023. The date chosen coincides with the anniversary of the discovery of X-rays: it was 8 November 1895, and its father was the...Read More
French scientists Guido Kroemer and Laurence Zitvogel, world experts in the field of antineoplastic treatments, visited UniCamillus On Friday 3rd November, UniCamillus was pleased to welcome two international luminaries in the field of immuno-oncology research: UniCamillus Rector Gianni Profita met with Professor Guido Kroemer and Professor Laurence Zitvogel, both from the Gustave Roussy Cancer Campus...Read More