Minister Orazio Schillaci and Councillor Luisa Regimenti were among the guests at the first meeting On Tuesday 7th November, in the lecture theatre of the UniCamillus UniLabs buildings, a series of Third Mission conferences entitled “Horizons of Medicine: where Science meets Society — A multicultural interdisciplinary dimension for future health professionals” began with the first...Read More
From 19 to 22 September, a summer school was held at the University of Antwerp on the subject of “Pandemic Preparedness”. Thanks to the mediation of Professor Wolf, a UniCamillus lecturer in General Pathology and external evaluator of the initiative, which is also supported by the University of Paris, two students from UniCamillus University had the...Read More
Last September, two UniCamillus students participated in the first edition of the IDEALiTER Summer School. Coordinated by the Université de Paris-centre but held at the University of Antwerp in Belgium, this initiative is part of the wider European IDEAL programme, funded by Erasmus+. The aim of IDEAL is to promote doctoral training and research careers,...Read More
With stands, informational interviews, and CV distribution, UniCamillus graduands and recent graduates networked with the top healthcare companies in Italy. UniCamillus’s Placement Service organized a Recruitment Day today, Friday, 27th October, where our graduands and recent graduates met with companies interested in their professional profiles. With this initiative, the University serves as an intermediary between...Read More
In recent years, the number of universities in Italy offering counselling services to students has increased exponentially. This was reported by Il Sole 24 Ore in an article in which UniCamillus was mentioned as one of the universities most sensitive to the issue of psychological needs of individuals. Since its first years of operation, long before the...Read More
Eradicated from Europe in 2002, polio still exists in some parts of Asia. Vaccination plans and surveillance systems are the only way to fight the virus worldwide 24 October is World Polio Day. The date was chosen to commemorate the birth of Jonas Salk, the American scientist who developed the first polio vaccine in 1955,...Read More
UniCamillus has taken part in and supported the Tennis & Friends ‒ Health and Sport project, which took place in Rome from 13th to 15th October at the Tennis Stadium, Foro Italico. The University had its own stand during the event. The project was launched in 2011 by FRIENDS FOR HEALTH and over the years...Read More
Malnutrition, undernutrition and obesity are global issues: we discussed food sustainability with Professor Maria Rosaria Gualano, lecturer in Hygiene at UniCamillus. Today, 16 October 2023, FAO celebrates its 78th anniversary, and to honour this date and the noble intention of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, World Food Day was established. In...Read More