

Today, 12th May, is International Nurses Day. As every year since 1965, an essential professional figure in health care is celebrated all over the world for their contribution to the whole of society. The decision to hold the anniversary on this date dates back to 1974, when it was decided to commemorate the anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale (Florence,...
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On Wednesday May 10th, in the UniCamillus’ main lecture theatre, a graduation ceremony for the academic year 2021-2022 took place. Over 200 people participated in the event, including special guests: journalists Emma D’Aquino and Vira Carbone, and Red Canzian, singer and musician in the famous Italian band “The Pooh”. The Principal, Professor Gianni Profita, awarded...
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There are two new Erasmus+ destinations available at UniCamillus. The International Medical University of Rome has come to an agreement with two Spanish universities over the past few days. This will allow students to spend part of their semester in Spain already in the ongoing academic year (2023-24). One of the new destinations is the...
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Una Lettura Transculturale alle Nuove Sfide dell'Assistenza | 22nd May 2023
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Award Ceremony for Degrees in Health Professions | Ceremony 10th May 2023
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The Covid-19 pandemic has officially come to an end, Tedros Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization, announced last week, the same person who announced the start of the pandemic on 30th January 2020. “The WHO Committee recommended the end of the state of emergency and I accepted the advice”, said Ghebreyesus last Friday during...
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Two prizes awarded last week by Align Technology have brought great honour to dentistry research carried out at UniCamillus. The award was given to Professor Roberta Lione, who declared herself satisfied with the results obtained after 4 years of research conducted both in the laboratory and on the field. “This United States company awarded with...
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UniCamillus inaugurates new UniLabs laboratories with all the rectors from the Lazio region.On Wednesday 26th April UniCamillus hosted a meeting of Lazio’s Regional Committee on University Coordination (CRUL). After Professor Antonella Polimeni and CRUL’s President Professor Stefano Ubertini inaugurated the new buildings, the Committee members were shown recent archaeological finds of the ancient Via Tiburtina,...
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UniCamillus has been awarded two research grants from Align Technology. The leading American orthodontic technology company has invested $275,000 in research grants this year, awarded to eleven universities around the world, which werechosen as part of the 12th Align Technology Award. The International Medical University of Rome has received two awards following the work of...
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