

Job opportunities for graduates and undergraduates of UniCamillus: recruiting day promoted by the Placement Office of the University in collaboration with Randstad Medical. 12th April 2023, from 2:30 p.m. until 4:30 p.m.
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To commemorate the International HPV Awareness Day, UniCamillus hosted the preview of the short film “Le Molecole del Destino” which tells the story of a woman affected by HPV. The subsequent discussion was moderated by journalist Marco Palma, and in addition to Rector Gianni Profita, featured director Massimo Ivan Falsetta, actors Giorgia Salari and Ettore...
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Results of research published in the journal Science Robotics by a team of engineers of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), led by Ellen T. Roche, consist in a patient’s 3D-printed heart so as to get a 1:1 scale model that contracts like a real heart, with all its possible defects. Italian researcher Luca Rosalia, a...
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Even this year, Unicamillus University agreed to Cooperative education, an innovative teaching model for secondary school students with the aim to enrich education and steer them towards the future course of studies. “How to become a doctor” is the name of the programme made this year by UniCamillus for Cooperative-Education, devoted to fourth-year students at...
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Nearly 6.000 doctors are fleeing from postgraduate schools, especially from the “typically public and hospital-based schools”, which played a leading role in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. First, there is emergency medicine, which has seen 61% of unassigned or not fulfilled state specialisation contracts, but also microbiology and virology (78.3%), pathology and clinical biochemistry...
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Two head operations on a woman were performed in the Marche region under the Longobard Kingdom. Started in the 6th century AD and ended with Charlemagne’s conquest, the Longobard Kingdom, narrated in Manzoni’s tragedy Adelchi, controlled almost the whole Italian peninsula in its heyday, except for Rome, Sicily, Sardinia and the southern part of Apulia and...
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Children may remember it as a supporting character in the first blockbuster animated film of the successful “Ice Age” series. The dodo, a flightless bird that became extinct in the 17th century, has now come back to life through a genetic engineering process which easily recalls the subject of another series of blockbuster films, Steven Spielberg’s...
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Each year, forty thousand patients can be offered innovative treatment by participating in clinical trials, far in advance of future universal supply. Two out of three of these patients have cancer, blood or cardiovascular diseases. Nine years ago, the European Union introduced new regulations for these trials only to be adopted by Italy on 30th January...
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One is a doctor, the other too. One has become the epitome of medicine bent on absolute evil. The other, a Righteous Among the Nations. On Holocaust Memorial Day – 27th January, the day of the liberation of prisoners from the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camps – two names out of a thousand spring to mind and...
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