

The World Health Organization officially recommended the widespread use of the vaccine against Malaria RTS,S/AS01 for children of subsaharian Africa and other moderate/high risk regions for the transmission of this disease. Vaccine against Malaria RTS,S/AS01 should be administered in a 4-dose program in children starting from the 5th month of age to reduce the disease...
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Karolinska Instutet awarded David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian the Nobel Prize for Medicine due to their findings on temperature and touch receptors. “How are nerve impulses activated so that temperature and pressure may be detected? This question has been answered by this year’s Nobel Prize winners”, explained the Swedish Institute in its announcement. “Revolutionary findings...
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The osteopath becomes a full-fledged health profession. The decree that officially recognizes this professional figure was published in the Official Gazette, implementing the provisions of the 2020 State-Regions agreement, after approval by the Council of Ministers, last June. The agreement describes the identification of the figure and profile of the osteopath, his fields of activity...
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Food is, from a different point of view, a primary professional need of balanced nutrients that contribute to ensure one’s health. A specialist in Human Nutrition knows, studies, evaluates, and implements their science and professionality to everyone’s primary needs, keeping in mind the value of food and nutrition have on people’s wellbeing. We talked about...
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Promoted by the Ministry of Health, by the Conference of Regions and autonomous provinces, ISS, AIFA and AGENAS, the National Day of healthcare safety and assisted person is celebrated on September 17th. The National Day was born in order to point out that healthcare safety is a constituent part of the right to health, and...
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‘We are what we eat’. The old adage, expression of popular wisdom that has taken new connotations of truth during the years, is even more relevant today. Bad nutrition represents a fertile ground for an aggravation of already existing pathologies, as much as a good nutrition can represent an extra weapon in the treatment of...
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Apparently Haiti seems to have no peace. In the last 10 years the caraibic island had to deal with an earthquake – 6.1 on the Richter scale, over 200 thousands victims – in 2010, a cholera epidemic – over 800 thousands people afflicted -, the terrible impact of the Sandy hurricane, in 2012, and Matthew,...
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Serenella Stasi, professor of  Sociology of Culture and Communication at UniCamillus passed away. Professor Stasi, PhD in Social Research Methodology, was an expert in sociology of the territory, work sociology and Research Evaluation; on these topics she published many articles and participated in different national and international conferences. Besides her work and her solid commitment...
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It is with deep sorrow that we communicate the untimely passing of Professor Claudio Puoti. Hepatologist and Gastroenterologist, head of the Hepatology Center of the INI Institute of Grottaferrata, a teacher appreciated by all his students, Professor Puoti has been a pillar of our University. Students trained under his guidance will not only master his teaching,...
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The surgery that was carried out at the Sant’Orsola Hospital in Bologna is considered a unexpected surgical “endeavour”. As a matter of fact, it entailed a heart transplant between a positive Covid donor and a Covid negative patient. A few weeks later, the same type of intervention was repeated at the Bambin Gesù Hospital in...
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