

Ciclo di Conferenze di Terza Missione UniCamillus - Medicina di genere e donne medico: un incontro per la salute | 16 aprile 2024.
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The tests will be conducted in home-based mode. A single application fee will allow you to register for several tests at the same time. UniCamillus – Saint Camillus International University of Health and Medical Sciences – has published calls for applications for the Rome campus BSc Health Professions programmes for the 2024-2025 academic year. There are...
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Maria Elena Boschi: ‘More senior roles for women in healthcare’; Klinger: ‘Only 26% of dentists are women’; Moretti and Callà: ‘Diagnostic screening often favours the male model’; Faroni: ‘Let personalised medicine not be the preserve of the rich’ ‘Gender Medicine and Women Physicians’: this was the theme of the fifth meeting in the UniCamillus University...
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Laura, Riccardo and Valerio, UniCamillus students, talk about how they lived the Erasmus experience, giving small and big tips to those who would like to study abroad The promise of new discoveries, the thrill of novelty, new cultures: an indispensable mix for many students around the world. We are talking about Erasmus+, the European Union’s...
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With advice from Prof. Loreto Nemi, UniCamillus lecturer ‘We are what we eat’, said the philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach, and this applies to the condition of our heart, the engine of our body. A healthy diet helps control body weight, cholesterol levels, blood pressure and diabetes, as well as providing cardio-protective nutrients that reduce inflammation and...
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The theme for World Health Day 2024 is ‘My health, my right’. What is the role of universities and education? Let’s take stock with Professor Barbara Tavazzi. April 7th is a date dedicated worldwide to health. World Health Day was established by the World Health Organisation in 1948 and aims to bring to light key...
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Dengue Fever is the new viral bogeyman scaring the world. Don’t worry though, it is not a COVID 2.0, for various reasons: above all, because virologists and scientists say so, with absolute certainty. However, it is not a danger that can be underestimated either, since in some parts of the globe there have already been...
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UniCamillus students learned how to become heroes – no superpowers needed, just attending last Saturday’s event on March 23rd titled “Be a Hero, Save Lives”. The event was orchestrated by the SIGMA association in collaboration with the Squicciarini Rescue – International Training Center. Throughout the day, at the University’s UniHall, 70 students from the UniCamillus...
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Ciclo di Conferenze di Terza Missione UniCamillus - Medicina di genere e donne medico: un incontro per la salute | 16th April 2024
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Article written in collaboration with Professor Cinzia Ciccacci, lecturer in Medical Genetics at UniCamillus March 21st holds significant meaning, and not just as the arrival of spring: it is also the day we observe WDSD – World Down Syndrome Day. Also known as Trisomy 21, Down syndrome (or DS) is a genetic condition where an...
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