

Conoscere e Curare il Cuore rappresenta l’appuntamento annuale che il Centro per la Lotta contro l’Infarto – Fondazione Onlus dedica alla cardiologia italiana.
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Professor Stefania Chiappini, lecturer in Psychiatry at UniCamillus, shares her thoughts on an Australian study on the chemistry of falling in love Is love a matter of “chemistry”? Absolutely! This is the conclusion of a study published in the journal Behavioural Sciences by researchers from the University of Canberra, the University of South Australia and...
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These days seasonal flu is more frightening than Covid-19. However, it’s not the mortality rate that is alarming—the data is in line with expectations and pre-pandemic averages—rather, the emergency situation in A&E departments across Italy is complicated compared with the usual scenario. Four years after the outbreak of the pandemic, this winter has seen a real paradox: Sars COV-2 infections and admissions...
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An article, published in The Lancet eClinical Medicine and promoted by the University of Paris Saclay, aims to prevent the collapse of neonatal intensive care units and protect the most vulnerable children from a potentially fatal infection. UniCamillus, represented by Maria Rosaria Gualano, Associate Professor of General and Applied Hygiene, made a decisive contribution to...
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Assessing the situation with Professor Francesco Cognetti, lecturer in Medical Oncology at UniCamillus It is the second leading cause of death in the world (after cardiovascular disease), killing around 10 million people every year and costing 1.16 trillion dollars in global health care. We are talking about cancer. World Cancer Day was celebrated on 4 February, as...
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Article written in collaboration with Susanna Cordone, Professor of General Psychology at UniCamillus News headlines about bullying and discrimination against people who want to live their sexuality freely are commonplace. In 2024, society still does not seem to be inclusive of those who do not fit into the statistical majority, making it even more difficult...
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Mutilazione degli organi genitali femminili
UniCamillus is at the forefront in combating all forms of gender-based violence. Among these, one of the most heinous is undoubtedly the mutilation of female genital organs, of which many women, especially young ones, are still victims. For this reason, on the occasion of the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)...
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Can a person with heart problems visit the dentist? The question may seem absurd if one is not a medical professional or scientist in the healthcare field. However, research has shown significant links between dental therapies and various types of cardiovascular issues. A seminar held on Wednesday 10th January at UniCamillus’s new Auditorium delved into this...
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It is with profound sadness that the academic community of UniCamillus has learned of the passing of Professor Franco Romeo. A physician and teacher with remarkable human as well as professional qualities, he leaves an enormous void in the scientific community and, in particular, in our University. He joined UniCamillus in the academic year 2020-2021...
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Tests are open to graduates and students in their final year of high school. Submit your application for MSc Medicine and Surgery (Rome and Venice) and MSc Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics (Rome) UniCamillus  has published the first call for applications for the 2024-2025 admissions tests for the MSc in Medicine and Surgery and the MSc in...
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