

We have already talked about the correlation between heart and nutrition, but heart-friendly lifestyles are not only about eating. Let’s not forget physical activity! It is no coincidence that WHO guidelines advise the adult population to engage in at least 200-250 minutes of moderate physical activity every week. Among the benefits of an active life,...
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We talked to Anna Claudia Romeo, Professor of General and Specialist Paediatrics at UniCamillus University Today’s society presents models that lead adolescents and pre-adolescents to ‘grow up earlier’, both in looks and in manners. However, there are cases where one becomes an adult suddenly, and not only in appearance: it is called ‘precocious puberty’, and...
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Doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, lab and radiology technicians, midwives and nutritionists are destined to work together in their careers. During IPE Days they learn how to do this already as students! The ultimate goal is the wellbeing of the patient. But people’s health is not compartmentalised: we are a marvellous, but often susceptible, complex machine, in...
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Loizzo: ‘We want digital therapies to be reimbursable’; Magi: ‘The goal is always the patient’s wellbeing’; Ferrari: ‘Europe needs a culture of data approach’; Malva: ‘Trust in AI is difficult to explain? An act of faith is also needed’; Giacobbe: ‘AI useful against antibiotic resistance’. UniCamillus University has organised and hosted, in its auditorium, the conference...
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On 8 May, World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day is celebrated all over the world. The date is no coincidence. It was chosen because it was on this day in 1828 that Jean Henri Dunant, considered the main architect of the foundation of this international organisation, was born in Geneva, Switzerland. Awarded the Nobel...
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We discussed this with Costanza Montagna, UniCamillus researcher who returned to Italy in 2021 Research is a career path stimulated mainly by passion, curiosity, the movement of ideas and more. A combination of what has been done in the state of the art, and what still needs to be done, which comes to life in...
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“Ridere, ridere ancora” (tr. “laugh, laugh again”), is not just the beginning of a famous song by Roberto Vecchioni, but a real piece of advice for well-being. And what better day to follow it than this Sunday being it World Laughter Day. This day has been celebrated on the first Sunday in May since 1998....
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April 24th is World Meningitis Day. The disease, which affects the protective membranes lining the brain and spinal cord, is unfortunately back in the news these days. It is no coincidence that this year’s Day also coincides with the alarm issued by the US Centers for Diseases Control about a significant increase in the number...
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Ciclo di Conferenze di Terza Missione UniCamillus - Medicina ed Etica nell’era dell’Intelligenza Artificiale | 7th May 2024
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Ciclo di Conferenze di Terza Missione UniCamillus - Medicina di genere e donne medico: un incontro per la salute | 16 aprile 2024.
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