Press Releases


by Andrea D’Ambrogio, Professor of Computer Science at UniCamillus The constant increase in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has now become a characterizing element of every socio-technical system. These technologies contribute to responding to the growing needs that today’s society places in terms of quality and efficiency, but at the same time...
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Paper of Laura Pacifici Noja and Alessandro Boccanelli, Professors of UniCamillus, selected at The Migration Conference 2020 IntroductionOver the last few years we have been witnessing many changes and transformations of he Society. For exemple in one hand immigration is a social phenomenon that is increasingly acquiring a relevant, permanent and structural configuration. This complex...
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edited by Fabbio Marcuccilli, Professor of Technical Sciences of Laboratory Medicine at UniCamillus The “Biomedical Laboratory Techniques” graduate is called Biomedical Laboratory Medical Technician, recognized by the M.D n ° 745 of 1994 which identified him as a figure in charge of carrying out laboratory tests in collaboration with other figures. The law of March...
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Medical Statistics is one of the teachings that each university includes in the initial phase of the knowledge considered essential for the contemporary healthcare profession.It might sound weird to laymen that a mathematical discipline is considered fundamental in the medical field and therefore it is worth spending a few words to explain why today, unlike...
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The mechanism of deglutition consists of 7 stages, the first of which is the so-called “oral” one. This phase is the only one taking place under voluntary control and is fundamental for preparing food for the subsequent phases. The food is shredded by the teeth and mixed with saliva by means of the movements of...
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Gerty Theresa Radnitz, a Czech biochemist, was born on August 15th, 1896 and was the first woman to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1947, together with her husband Carl Ferdinand Cori and the Argentine physiologist Bernardo Houssay.Although at the beginning of the century women’s studies were mostly aimed at the care of...
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Society is constantly evolving, and health professionals must be completely aware of it. There is not  just one sociology, but as many fields of sociology as the fields of social life . Those who work in the healthcare field must be part of the society. This has been long acknowledged by universities of Health Professions...
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As specified in the professional profile, the Physiotherapist is a healthcare professional who works both in coordination with the Doctor and the other health professions, and autonomously, by evaluating and treating the disfunctions of the motor areas, higher cortical and visceral functions,  consequent to pathological events of various etiology, both congenital or acquired.  Furthermore, the Physiotherapist develops,...
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La nutrizione artificiale (NA) è una procedura terapeutica destinata a persone nelle quali l’alimentazione orale o non è praticabile e/o non è sufficiente a soddisfare i fabbisogni calorico – proteici o è controindicata. Artificial feeding (AF) is a therapeutic procedure intended for people in whom oral feeding is not practicable and / or is not...
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“Italian medical professionals are extremely fortunate. At a time when the need to speak and understand English is more pressing than ever, and in a field where poor pronunciation can lead to embarrassment or far worse, they have Alessandro Rotatori as their guide”. This is how Geoff Lindsey, Director of the Summer Course in English...
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