Companies in demand, graduates in short supply: few healthcare professionals, physicians and paramedics in Italy

Graduates in the medical and healthcare fields find a job more easily and are immediately well paid: data from the new Excelsior-Unioncamere report

Good news for those enrolling in Medicine and Surgery or in some academic course in the Health Professions or otherwise related to the medical and paramedical field, i.e. all degree courses in which UniCamillus University specialises: for future graduates in these disciplines it will be much easier to find work. The reason? The simplest of all: there is currently a huge gap between supply and demand for graduates in this field.

This is what emerges from the “Graduates and employment report drawn up by Unioncamere’s Excelsior Information System, the Ministry of Labour and Almalaurea.

By 2023, Italian companies and services have planned to hire as many as 768,000 graduates. However, in the face of this potential pool to be filled, the supply of adequately educated professionals (with university degrees, PhDs and specialisations) is really in short supply.

Companies requiring engineers, physicians, paramedics, healthcare professionals and new technology experts are among the least satisfied. In these sectors, companies struggle to find almost one in two graduates.

Among the figures that companies describe as most ‘hard to find’, the percentages are high for healthcare professionals, nurses and midwives (80.3%), medical treatment specialists (71.4%) and general practitioners (70.9%). In 62.9% of cases, this difficulty is simply due to a lack of graduates in these subjects—a trend which unfortunately reflects the Italian average of graduates, which is lower than the European one: only 30.6% in Italy against 43.1% in Europe (Eurostat data).

Speaking of qualifications, the Excelsior-Unioncamere report points out that among the most popular university degrees sought by companies in 2023 are healthcare and paramedical ones (61,900 vacancies), followed by medical and dental ones (15,200 vacancies).

On the other hand, gross remuneration in healthcare is respectable for recent graduates: in the medical dental sector, the initial gross annual remuneration is in a range from EUR 26,300 to EUR 59,500; for nurses, midwives and healthcare professionals in general it starts from a minimum of EUR 21,500 up to a maximum of EUR 48,500.

While the situation is undoubtedly dramatic in terms of business dissatisfaction, the data from the Excelsior report is encouraging for those who want to embark on a Medicine, Dentistry or Health care programme. The prospect is having a good chance of entering the labour market quickly and also obtaining excellently paid positions.