MSc Human Nutrition Sciences (LM-61)
Registrations closed
Evaluation of QualificationsCredits
120MSc Human Nutrition Sciences (taught in Italian)
Attendance mode: lectures can also be attended also by people working. The distance learning technology in use is highly advanced.
Course overview
- Duration 2 years (120 ECTS).
- Lectures are compatible with your everyday tasks/job activities.
- The MSc Human Nutrition is offered by the Medicine and Surgery department of UniCamillus; this is an international University with tutors fully engaged in health, prevention, and therapy.
- Graduates can apply from the following faculties: Pharmacy, Motor activities Sciences, Dietetics, Biological Sciences, Medicine and Surgery, Food Sciences and Technologies (for detailed info, please check the curricular requirements).
The MSc Human Nutrition Sciences – accredited By the Ministry of the University and Research with Decree n. 899 of 19/07/2021 – has the objective of creating graduates in possession of a solid and highly qualified scientific, professional and methodological knowledge in the area of the Human Nutrition, able to perform advanced tasks and assessments, coordination and control activities, planning, giving directions, managing and training, towards the preservation and the promotion of the condition of the human health via the eating, in different professional frameworks (medical, industrial, regulatory).
The didactic organization of the Degree course in Human Nutrition Sciences ensures knowledge, skills and competencies based on a solid scientific and interdisciplinary training relative to the physiology, the fundamentals of nutrition and its implementation, as well as to complementary subjects such as hygiene, food safety and biochemistry, nutrition microbiology and technologies, pharmacology, and guidance on food legislation. The presence of clinical subjects gives the opportunity to go in deep with other sides of the pathologies that come from nutrition or have some aspects related to it, to better understand the role of different foods and diets in different physiological conditions, as well as to approach the prevention of the chronicle-degenerative diseases and to improve the wellbeing and the quality of life.
Language of the Programme: Italian
Head of School: Prof. Gianfranco Peluso
Didactic Manager: Dr. Costanza Montagna ([email protected])
Read the Regulations for the Degree course in Human Nutrition Sciences (in Italian).
⇒ For more info, please fill in this form
Job Opportunities
The graduate student in Human Nutrition Sciences will easily find a job opportunity in various sectors, both public and private, or as an independent contractor in the Nutrition field. The sector is growing thanks to some innovative aspects, and will be in the future more and more important for the human health in the third millennium.
In particular:
1) Public healthcare facilities: in the context of national and regional healthcare programs, participating in health promotion and disease prevention projects; planning and managing nutritional assessment programs.
2) Public and/or private research institutes: planning, managing and developing scientific research studies in the field of Food Science.
3) Food, dietary and pharmaceutical companies: planning, developing, and enhancing food products with a high nutritional impact (functional foods); managing information and labeling related to nutrition and health claims; developing certification systems, control and food technology laboratories;
4) Catering companies and hospital food services: implementing integrated management systems for food quality.
5) Freelance Profession: engaging in entrepreneurial and freelance activities, subject to passing the State exam and registration with the Order of Biologists.
6) International Health: The graduate will also be able to provide consultancy and work for international organizations and NGOs interested in public health issues such as malnutrition in countries in the southern part of the world or in at-risk population groups.
7) Furthermore, as established in DM 259-17, the acquisition of a Master’s Degree in Human Nutrition Sciences (LM-61) is a requirement that allows teaching in:
- Health disciplines at various Technical Institutes and Professional Institutes;
- Mathematics and Sciences at lower secondary schools;
- Natural, chemical, and biological sciences at various types of high schools, Technical Institutes, and Professional Institutes.
The graduate of the Master’s Degree LM 61 can register, subject to passing the State exam, with the Professional Order of Biologists, with all the professional variations that this entails.
The degree program prepares for the profession of Biologists and related professions, as well as for researchers and technicians with degrees in biological sciences.
Modules offered
This includes all the courses (plus corresponding ECTS credits and codes) offered under the programme for the academic year and year of enrolment mentioned below:
Modules taught
This includes all the courses (plus name of tutor(s) and number of hours) offered under the programme for the academic year mentioned in the validated list of modules taught file below:
Admissions Requirements
In order to access the Masters degree course, students must have a bachelor’s or a single-cycle degree or different suitable qualifications achieved abroad, as well as specific curricular requirements and an appropriate personal preparation.
As regards the curricular requirements, students shall have graduated in one of the following degree courses:
- L-2 Biotechnologies, L-13 Biological Sciences, L-22 Physical Activity and Sports Sciences, L-26 Food Sciences and Technology, L-27 Chemical Sciences and Technology, L-29 Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology or related degree courses as provided for in the ex D.M. 509/99;
- L-SNT/03 (Technical Health Professions, limited to Diet studies);
- LM-13 Pharmacy and Industrial Pharmacy, LM-41 Medicine and Surgery or related degree courses as provided for in the ex D.M. 509/99;
- LM-6 Biology, LM-8 Industrial Biotechnology, LM-9 Medical, Veterinarian and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, LM-70 Food Sciences and Technology or related degree courses as provided for in the ex D.M. 509/99.
Students graduated in other master’s degrees can access the course provided that they achieved at least 48 ECTS in the following subjects areas (in brackets the minimum number of ECTS required in each subject area):
- MAT/01 and/or MAT/07 (6 ECTS);
- FIS/01 and/or FIS/07 (4 ECTS);
- CHIM/01 and/or CHIM/11 (8 ECTS);
- from BIO/01- to BIO/19 (20 ECTS)
Students must have a very good knowledge of English language, which has to be certified by:
- an exam of English language that proves at least the B1 level or an exam of English language of at least 3 ECTS.
- an official B1 Level certificate;
- a degree course of first level officially taught in English.
Credits Recognition (ECTS)
After the enrollment at the Human Nutrition Sciences degree course, it is possible to apply for the credit recognition as regards the previous academic activities that are related exclusively to:
- Bachelor’s degree old system
- Single-cycle degree
- Master’s degree
PLEASE NOTE: exams taken during the bachelor’s degree or post-graduate degree will not be considered.
Enrolled students who need this evaluation must submit a request through the GOMP student portal according to the Guide.
The Scientific Disciplinary Field (SSD) and related Credits (CFUs/ECTS) must be indicated for each exam; it is also necessary to attach the syllabus of the exams and the certificate of the exams issued by the University.
Please note:
– if an exam has two scientific fields, please specify the credits of each of them (e.g. analitic chemistry and complements of general and organic chemistry SDS: CHIM/01 and CHIM/03; ECTS: 6+4);
– Please submit the request on GOMP only with exams that are relevant to the study plan of Human Nutrition Sciences degree course (please, chek out the STUDY PLAN section on our website);
– For the degree courses belonging to the D.M. 509/99 we invite you to contact the registrar’s office of the previous degree course in order to verify to which SDS and ECTS the exams taken are referable.
The evaluation will be carried out by the Credit Recognition Committee.
Incomplete documentation will not be considered.
Those who receive the credit recognition have to accept it by sending to [email protected] the countersigned module.
N.B. Recognition is not automatic.
Tuition Fees
The amount of the fees for students enrolled in the Academic Year 2024/2025 is 2500 € per year.
In order to be admitted to the regular exams and to the final one (graduation), students are required to comply with the payment of the tuition and fees.
Students who end their career (in case of graduation, diploma, study suspension, transfer, study waiver) are in any case required to pay in full the contributions for the academic year they are enrolled in.
Students are required to pay the regional tax for the right to study (Lazio Region), whose amount is set at 140 €, but it can undergo any changes set by the Lazio Region.
⇒ Go to the dedicated page to consult the Fees and Contributions Regulations for your year of enrollment.
Final Exam and Graduation
In order to sit the final examination of the MA in Human Nutrition Sciences students must have completed all the modules as well as any qualifying examinations provided for in the Plan of Study.
The final examination consists in a public viva voce exam.
The final examination signals the completion of the degree course taken by students, enabling them to improve their skills in terms of knowledge, ability to apply knowledge, interpersonal skills development, communication and autonomy of judgement.
Graduation Session
• I Summer session in July
Final exams for the academic year 2023-2024 will be held from 22nd to 24th July in the Aula Magna of the UniLabs premise.
⇒ I Summer session calendar
• II Autumn session in October
Final exams for the academic year 2023-2024 will be held on 17th and 18th October in the Aula Magna of the UniCongress premise.
⇒ II Autumn session calendar
• III Winter session in January
Final exams for the academic year 2023-2024 will be held on 28th and 29th January 2025 in the Aula Magna of the UniCongress premise.
⇒ III Winter session Calendar
• IV Spring session in March
Final exams for the academic year 2023-2024 will be held on 24th and 28th March 2025 in the Aula Magna of the UniCongress premise.
Information related to admission requirements, deadlines, final examination, Academic Board, score and marking criteria are explained in the MA Human Nutrition Sciences Final Examination Regulations.
→ Download the Regulation
→ Download the guide to dissertation proposal
→ Download the guide to graduation application
Please note that you are required to read and use the attachments listed here below:
Attachment 1 – Deadlines schedule (Annex_1 pdf download);
Attachment 2 – Technical note for dissertation drafting (Annex_2 pdf download);
Attachment 3 – Exact copy of the dissertation cover page (Annex_3 docx download);
Attachment 4 – Exact copy of the dissertation front page (Annex_4 docx download);
Attachment 5 – Logo (Annex_5 png download);
Attachment 6 – Research originality statement and declaration of academic honesty (Annex_6 pdf download).
Attachment 7 – PowerPoint Template (Annex_7 ppt download).
For any information request regarding the graduation procedure, please write to:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Degree programmes QA system
Our study programmes are at the heart of the University’s educational mission and are continuously being updated by the Quality Assurance Group set up for each programme.
The Quality Assurance Group is composed of the Head of School, a Programme Director, a faculty member and a student representative. The Quality Assurance Group contributes to the design, implementation and verification of all activities related to each programme, ensuring their correct and smooth running in coordination with the University’s Quality Committee and other Quality Assurance members.
During the transitional period provided for in the Statute, the Quality Assurance Group is also called upon to perform the functions normally assigned to the Review Group.
Its responsibilities include:
1) identifying potential improvements for the programme, setting deadlines and indicators to verify the degree of implementation;
2) verify the achievement of predetermined objectives or identify reasons for non-achievement or partial achievement;
3) preparation of the Annual Monitoring Sheet;
4) preparation of the Cyclical Review Report.
Quality Assurance Group for the MSc in Human Nutrition Sciences
Students can contact the Human Nutrition Sciences office by calling the 06 40 06 40:
- From Monday to Friday (10.00am – 1.00pm)
They can also send an email to [email protected] or fill in the form below.
Reports from students
“Reports from students” is the service through which UniCamillus students can send any request relating to teaching or organization. The aim is to promote an efficient and direct communication between students and University Offices.
→ Teaching services office: [email protected]
→ Requests related to academic pathways: [email protected]
→ Requests related to Social Media use: [email protected]
→ Requests to Student Representatives (Representatives’ aim is to collect students’ soliciting and implement activities to engage students in a proactive way towards the university life):
Year of enrolment 2023/2024 | • Evangelisti Luca • Conforzi Giorgio |
Year of enrolment 2022/2023 | • Federico Costantini • Davide Luglio |
Year of enrolment 2021/2022 | • Muscatello Riccardo • Bianchini Greta |
⇒ Academic Regulation Degree in Human Nutrition Sciences AY. 2024/2025 (in Italian)
⇒ Academic Regulation Degree in Human Nutrition Sciences AY. 2023/2024 (in Italian)
⇒ Academic Regulation Degree in Human Nutrition Sciences AY. 2022/2023 (in Italian)
⇒ Academic Regulation for the final examination of the MA Human Nutrition Sciences – Attachments and details to Graduation section