Angela Beatrice Scardovi

Practical aspects of nutrition in cardiology - MEDS-07/B

Specialist in Cardiovascular Diseases, she works at the Cardiology of the Santo Spirito Hospital as medical director.

She is responsible for the heart failure management in the intensive care unit, day service and outpatient clinic. She directs the laboratory for the evaluation of functional capacity, pulmonary embolism / pulmonary hypertension to which a dedicated nursing clinic is connected.

She coordinates hospital protocols on pulmonary embolism, amyloidosis, prevention of cardiotoxicity in patients with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy and adjuvant therapy.

She coordinates care continuity programs in the field of heart failure (PDTA) between the hospital and the territory of ASL ROMA 1 / Santo Spirito Hospital.

In November 2022, she concluded the PNRM Project Bur 24 May 2018 “Implementation of the New Regina Margherita Presidium of Rome: testing of the Casa della Salute model – ASL Roma 1” Bur 24/5/2018

Since June 2023 she has been Scientific Coordinator of the Cardiac Amyloidosis Group, Spoke Center created for this pathology for ASL RM1.

Currently representative for the ASL RM 1 as part of the Regional Working Group on the Diagnostic Therapeutic Assistance Path – PDTA of the patient with Heart Failure.

She has participated and participates in numerous national polycentric studies of scientific importance.

ENGLISH language (Proficiency level).

From 1985 to date she has produced more than 200 scientific publications, mostly as first author, in national and international journals with high impact factor and has been a speaker, moderator and teacher in numerous international and national conferences, forums and courses.

On 13 December 2016 she received the Onda “Best Practice – Cardiometabolic Diseases” award in Milan.

She collaborates with the “Centre for the Fight Against Heart Attack”, president Prof. Francesco Prati, as a member of the scientific committee of the “Conoscere e Curare il Cuore” congress, scientific communications section and selection of winners of the prize for young researchers.

In 2017 and 2018 she was the editor and author of some chapters of the 1st and 2nd edition of the book: “Controversies in Cardiology: cardiologists from Lazio respond”, Cesi editions.

In the 2018/2019 academic year she was a teacher of the “Cardiorespiratory Emergencies” course in the integrated course of ADVANCED PERFUSION TECHNIQUES AND MECHANICAL ASSISTANCE at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery “A. Gemelli” of the three-year degree course in “Techniques of cardiorespiratory pathophysiology and cardiovascular perfusion” (30 hours of lessons per year)

The aforementioned role was also attributed to her for the academic year 2020/2021 (30 hours of lessons per year) and 2021/2022 (30 hours of lessons per year). In 2021 she completed the Master’s degree (winner of a scholarship) at the “A. Gemelli” Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Rome branch of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in “CARDIOVASCULAR INTENSIVE THERAPY”