Anna Berardi
Graduated in 2014 in Occupational Therapy at Sapienza University of Rome. In 2017 she got the master’s degree in “Rehabilitation Science” at the same institution. In September 2017, she started a collaboration at Sapienza University of Rome as volunteer research assistant. In 2018, she started working as Occupational Therapist at the Paraplegic Center of Ostia. In January 2019, she moved to the University of British Columbia in Vancouver working as research assistant and she kept collaborating with Sapienza University of Rome writing scientific papers and coordinating students for their degree thesis. She is currently a Research Fellow at the Department of Human Neurosciences at Sapienza University of Rome carrying out research activities with a project entitled “Evaluation of aids for patients with multiple sclerosis”. Among the main fields of interest are epidemiology, rehabilitation in neurology, assistive devices and validation of assessment tools.