Cinzia Auriti
Prof. Auriti graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Rome, full marks with honors.
In 1983 she obtained Specialization in Pediatrics at the same University with full marks; in 1985 she attended a Postgraduate Diploma in Neonatology at the La Sapienza University of Rome.
In 1995 she got her Specialization in Neonatology at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Rome,
full marks.
In 2001 she attended a Postgraduate Diploma in Pediatric Pulmonology at the La Sapienza University of Rome and in 2004 abtained a II level Master’s degree in Epidemiology at the Catholic University of Rome,
full marks.
In 2022 she obtained the National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Neuropsychiatry.
From 1 August 2022 retired from the Bambino Gesù Hospital, serving as a free consultant
professional at Casa di Cura Santa Famiglia, Rome.
From 1 June 2023 to date Head of Neonatology at the Villa Margherita Private Clinic, via di Villa Massimo 48, Rome.
Professional experience:
1982 -1987: Executive doctor at the Ministry of Health with tasks of coordination of the technical secretariat of the Director General (General Directorate of Hospitals then General Directorate of Social Medicine Services)
First Level Medical Director with high specialization.
Clinical assistance in the ward and ambulance transport service for critical newborns.
Clinical assistance in Day Hospital, outpatient control especially dedicated to neonates and infants with infections. In this context, she has promoted the activation of an outpatient clinic dedicated to neonatal infections, drawn up protocols for the main pathologies treated and signed agreements with the main centers of Neonatology in Rome and the Lazio region, which currently send patients to this service of the OPBG.
In collaboration with obstetricians, a path activation of prenatal diagnosis and therapy (when possible) of congenital infections in pregnancy.