Francesca Zambri

Obstetrical Gynechological Nursing Sciences - MEDS-24/C

PhD at University of Study of Rome Tor Vergata and Research Fellow at Italian National Institute of Health since 2009, her job areas are qualitative, quantitative and mixed-method research in Public Health, maternal and child health and health in the first 1000 days.
Born in 1990, she graduated as a Midwife (University of Study of Foggia, 2012), she has MNS (University of Study “G. d’Annunzio” of Chieti, 2017).
She is involved in several projects on maternal and child health, infant and child feeding, also in emergencies and natural disasters, health promotion in migration, breastfeeding protection, promotion and support.
Professor in Midwifery Degree at University of Study of Rome Tor Vergata.
She has attended as lecturer at courses and conferences.
She lives and works in Rome.

Italian National Institute of Health – Rome