Francesco Cognetti

Medical Oncology - MEDS-09/A

During his career he was Director of the Medical Oncology Department of the IRCCS Regina Elena Institute in Rome as well as Scientific Director of the same Institute and Professor of Medical Oncology at the “La Sapienza” University.

He was also President of the Italian Association of Medical Oncology (AIOM) and for many years Chairman of the Membership Committee and Member of the Executive Committee of the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO). For nine years he was President of the “Together Against Cancer” Foundation.

He was been a Member of the National Superior Health Council in Italy several times. He is currently Professor of Oncology at the Unicamillus International Medical University of Rome and President of the Confederation of Oncologists, Cardiologists, Hematologists (FOCE), as well as Coordinator of the Forum of the Scientific Societies of Italian Hospital and University Clinics (FoSCC).

He was so far author of 421 scientific publications on the best international journals, all “peer reviewed”, reporting the total Impact Factor score of about 5,000, 21,410 total citations (SCOPUS) and an h-index score of 63 (SCOPUS). He was also author of books in the field of oncology.