Francesco Pinto

Urology - MEDS-14/C

Permanent Level I Medical Manager since 2013, Head of the Unit of Operative Endoscopy since 2019, at the Urological Clinic of the Foundation, IRCS Policlinico A. Gemelli in Rome. Professor of the School of Specialization in Urology and in the integrated course of SURGERY RESIDENCY II – UROLOGY PROFESSIONAL TRAINING at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Rome; with qualification to Professor of II Level.
Graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 1998 at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, specialized in Urology in 2003 at the University of Padua; he obtained his PhD in Andrological Urology in 2009 at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Rome, the 2nd level Master’s Degree in Urological Laparoscopy in 2017 at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”.
He attended as a clinical fellow in Oncological Urology at Addenbrook’s Hospital, University of Cambridge in the period 09 / 2003-05 / 2004. Winner of scholarship in Urological Oncology at the Veneto Oncological Institute (IRCS) of Padua, where he also worked as a medical doctor at the Urological Clinic of the University of Padua from 06/2004 to 09/2005. He subsequently worked as a medical doctor from 10/2005 to 11/2008 and as a fixed-term I level Medical Manager until 2013 at the Urological Clinic of the Foundation, IRCS Policlinico A. Gemelli in Rome.
Member of the European Urology Society (EAU), Italian Urology Society (SIU) and Italian Endourology Society (IEA).
He is the author of 113 scientific publications on national and international medical journals, H index 19.