Maria Stella Scorzolini

Obstetrical-Gynecological Nursing Sciences - MEDS-24/C

In 2023 she completed the theoretical-practical course “Primal Health and breastfeeding: the first 1000 days”.

She obtained her Master’s Degree of I level in “Management and Coordination Functions of Health Professions”, Unitelma Sapienza, Rome (2021).

She obtained her Master’s Degree in Nursing and Midwifery Science (2019) with the result of 110/110 cum laude, at Sapienza University of Rome.

She achieved a Postgraduate Specialization in “Community midwife and health of women and newborns”, at University of Rome, “Università del Sacro Cuore di Roma” (2017).

She obtained her Bachelor Degree in Midwifery (2012) with the result of 110/110 cum laude, at Sapienza University of Rome.

She is a Lecturer in Obstetric and Gynecological Nursing Science (SSD Med/47) in the following Courses:
– Midwifery degree, in University of Rome Sapienza-Sant’Andrea;
– Midwifery degree, in University of Rome Saint Camillus International University of Health
and Medical Sciences (UniCamillus);

From 2014 to 2023 she worked as a midwife at “San Pietro FBF hospital “ in Rome; currently she is a Midwife at the P.O. San Filippo Neri, ASL Roma 1, Rome.

Her main research interests concern gender and sexual violence, especially in the field of obstetric training and prevention. Since 2020 she has been a member and voluntary operator of the Differenza Donna Association, in Rome.