Massimo Villa

General Surgery - MEDS-06/A

He obtained the Diploma in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Rome, “La Sapienza” in 1996.
Specialized in Pediatric Surgery at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata’ (2001) and Specialized in General Surgery at the University of Rome “Campus Biomedico”(2015).
He obtained the Master (II Level) in Minimally-Invasive Surgery from the University of Rome “La Sapienza” in 2012.
Surgical Research Fellow at “Bambino Gesu Paediatric Hospital – IRCCS”, form 2002 to 2004 carrying out studies and research on Genetic Risks and on predictive factors  of reflux nephropathy and the treatment of varicocele in paediatric age.
Visiting Fellow in Pediatric Urology at the University Hospital of Southampton (2001).
Assistant  Professor at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” with Clinical Role at the University Hospital “Tor Vergata” into the Operative Unit of Emergency Surgery (DEA).
Teacher of Surgical Semeiology at within the Medicine and Surgery School Course at the University Hospital “Tor Vergata.”
Coordinator and Instructor for the Acute and Emergency Medicine Course at the CCL Nursing Course (University of Rome “Tor Vergata).
Pediatric Surgery Teacher at the School of Obstetricsand at the School of Cardiovascular Physiopathology and Cardiovascular Perfusion Techniquesof the University of Rome “Tor Vergata.”
Pediatric Surgery Teacher at the School of Medicine and Surgery of the University “Nostra Signora del Buon Consiglio” – Tirana, Albania.
Areas of Interest: Potentials and limits of minimally-invasive surgery; Biomaterial role in wound care.
Author and CO-Authos of numerous scientific publications on International Peer Review Magazines and of Chapters of Scientific Books.