Michele Sorrentino

Child Neuropsychiatry - MEDS-20/B

He graduated with honours in Medicine and Surgery and specialized with honours in Child Neuropsychiatry at the Second University of Naples (University of Campania “L. Vanvitelli”).

He is currently Adjunct University Professor of Child Neuropsychiatry for Degree course in Medicine and Surgery and also Specialization Courses (TFA) at Saint Camillus International University of Health and Medical Sciences, in addition to being Medical manager at I.FL.HAN Rehabilitation Center in Pozzuoli (NA) and Neurodevelopmental Follow-up Service of Premature and At Risk New-borns – Early Diagnosis of Neurovelopmental Disorders – N.I.C.U. – at Pineta Grande Hospital in Castel Volturno (CE), Professor at Consorzio Universitario Humanitas and LUMSA University (Libera Università Maria Santissima Assunta) in Rome for Postgraduate Professional Master’s Programs and School of Augmentative Alternative Communication and Assistive Technologies, and is the Manager of the Italian Rehabilitation Society for the Developmental Age.

He is a partner of the INEED network (Italian Network for Early detection and Early intervention in Developmental disabilities), a collaborative project supported by the Pierfranco and Luisa Mariani Foundation, and of the VISIBLE project (Vision Intervention for Severely Impaired Babies: Learning through Enrichment), whose leading partner is IRCCS Stella Maris of Pisa.

In the initial part of his career he was involved in Neurology and General Pathology, with research focused on thrombophilia and ischemic Stroke. He is an expert in EEG, ENMG and Evoked Potentials, and achieved II level Postgraduate Professional Masters’ Programs in Epileptology and Child Neurology. He was Medical Director at the Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders and Care Pathways for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder at ASL Napoli 2 Nord.

He is the author and co-author of several publications in national and international peer-reviewed journals.

At present his main research area is Neurodevelopmental Disorders.