Vito Fenicia
Vito Fenicia earned his medical degree in Medicine and Surgery in 1978, Ophthalmology specialization in 1981.
He spent his professional life at University of Rome La Sapienza.
He performed his clinical practice at Policlinico Umberto I and then at St. Andrea Hospital in Rome, where he was Chief of vitreoretinal pathology unit (UOS).
He was teacher in several courses of Medical degree and ophthalmogy specialization degree.
Since 2006 he was consultant for IFO insitute and since 2014 he is active member of ethical comittee IFO-Bietti Foundation.
Now he is teacher and extraordinary Professor of eye diseases at Saint Camillus International University of Health Sciences, and chief of ophthalmogy service at Poste Centro Medico in Rome.
His main interests were scleral surgery of retinal detachment, diagnosis and therapy of maculopathies, diabetic retinopathy, and laser therapy.