UniCamillus extremely proud of its first 78 MSc Human Nutrition Sciences graduates

A significant achievement for UniCamillus: of our recent MSc graduates, two thirds are women and one third men, with 67.9 percent having completed their degree with the top marks.

78 UniCamillus students were the first class to graduate in Human Nutrition Sciences this week. This completes the first cycle of studies for the programme which began in the academic year 2021-2022, aiming to train increasingly versatile professionals in a field that the University firmly believes will be crucial in the immediate future for people’s health care.

During the graduation ceremony held between Monday and Wednesday in the UniCongress main lecture theatre, 53 students received the top marks from the Board of Examiners. Overall, all the newly graduates in Nutrition Sciences have been rewarded for their two-year study journey, receiving positive feedback and praises from the tutors who supervised their dissertations. Several different topics were discussed, demonstrating the broad scope of this field of study. Some focused on neonatal metabolism, others delved into the links between nutrition and the treatment of autoimmune diseases, while some analysed how the intake of specific nutrients can prevent injuries during physical activity.

Three students deserve a special mention: Emanuela Avallone for her study on new pharmacological strategies for countering obesity; Deborah Cimino for the insights provided in her dissertation entitled “Functional nutrition in the treatment and prevention of chronic degenerative diseases: the lipidomic test”; and Riccardo Muscatello for his work on nutraceutical approaches in the treatment of hypercholesterolaemia.

All the new graduates expressed unanimous satisfaction and happiness. “This study programme gave me the opportunity to delve into very interesting subjects”, commented one of them shortly after the graduation ceremony and just before embracing smiles and celebrating with family and friends: “The topics we explored, especially during the second year, will undoubtedly boost my career development”. Another student echoed her feelings saying: “In my opinion, the world of medicine and nutrition should be complementary, two pillars on which modern medicine should be built. This degree programme was very informative as I found it interesting how different topics were addressed. I have enriched my knowledge in this field and now I will try to apply what I have learned, hoping to succeed as a freelancer”.

Dreams and expectations of the younger graduates intertwined with those who have been in the world of work for some time and wished or needed to enhance their skills. To accommodate these diverse needs, UniCamillus had from the start the idea of offering a course that could be accessible even to those who already had other commitments. Most of the lectures are held online, which also benefits students with families and children, as they would have significant difficulties attending classes at the University. “This possibility is undoubtedly an added value for the course”, said another student who graduated this week but has been pursuing her professional career for several years. “Aside from the many refresher courses we professionals have to take, having the opportunity to obtain a Master’s degree guarantees an unparalleled level of in-depth knowledge on all topics and the evolving science of nutrition. This way, I could also prepare for the state exam without having had to put my work on hold in the meantime”.