Research Projects
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The Grants Office offers information, support and technical assistance to lecturers and researchers during the submission, administrative management and financial reporting of European and international research projects.
More specifically, the Grants Office is in charge of:
• Identifying funding opportunities consistent with the University’s research areas;
• Promoting international and European research funding opportunities, organising information meetings with lecturers;
• Assisting and guiding lecturers and researchers during the management of projects, carrying out formal checks for interim reports and final reports;
• Carrying out the financial reporting of projects;
• Supervising the registration and updating of data on portals for participating in European and international projects;
• Monitoring and updating data in databases relating to projects funded at European/international level and periodically disseminating the data.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Submission of Project Proposals:
In accordance with the Research Activities Regulation, project proposals may be submitted by any faculty member of the University to the Grant Office or, in the case of a call for proposals issued by a public or private entity, directly to the Research Delegate.
In both cases, the designated form must be submitted at least 15 days prior to the relevant deadline.
UniCamillus University is committed to developing high-quality research, with multiple research lines converging into four major research areas:
Explore all research projects at UniCamillus