Digital Resources and Databases
MEDLINE Ultimate is one of the Largest Collection of Leading Biomedical Full-Text Journals.
It offers medical professionals and researchers access to unmatched evidence-based and peer-reviewed full-text content from more of the top biomedical journals. It also offers more international journal coverage than any other MEDLINE database.
The database can be reached through WebApp UniCamillus.
Scopus is one of the most comprehensive and authoritative bibliographic citation databases in the world.
It provides access to abstracts and articles in a wide range of disciplines, such as science, technology, medicine and social sciences, and it represents an indispensable tool to track and analyze research.
Scopus collects approximately 25,000 active titles of peer-reviewed literature from nearly 5,000 international publishers.
It also assesses the scientific publications diffusion index, in particular the H-index, an author-level metric which calculates authors’ scientific influence based on the number of publications and citations over the years.
OVID is a service in the field of bio-informatics that provides access to online bibliographic databases, academic journals, and other products, primarily in the area of health sciences.
Through OVID, UniCamillus delivers the following services:
OVID Medline, the world’s leading bibliographic source for scientific literature and biomedical research, with easy access to full-text journals.
Acland’s Video Atlas of Human Anatomy, a video-based anatomy lectures presented by Dr. Acland, Professor of surgery in the Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the University of Louisville School of Medicine.
The series employs unembalmed human specimens to illustrate anatomical structures; originally intended to be used by medical, dental and health sciences students, these educational videos use a simple language and high quality images. Authors declared: “Each minute of the finished product took twelve hours to produce: five in creating the script, five in making the shots, and two in post-production”.
GIDEON (Global Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology Online Network), a program that provides extraordinary assistance in the diagnosis of infectious diseases. GIDEON encompasses all of the major and minor infectious diseases described: bacterial, viral, protozoal, parasitic and fungal infections, from Acanthamoeba meningoencephalitis and Astrakhan fever, through Mycobacterium and Mycoplasma, Yersinia and zygomycosis.
Ovid Emcare, offers more than 3,700 international indexed journals (far more than any other database in this field)
Health Library: Exercise Science, a comprehensive package of books and multimedia files which includes 18 influential must-read books – covering subjects such as physiology, biomechanics, sport psychology, and motor control – for any student in Health Sciences.
Bates Visual Guide New All Including OSCE’s, a comprehensive video collection on clinical assessment, with 7 hours of video content and 5 additional learning modules encompassing a diverse spectrum of patient types. These materials are intended to students in medical, nursing and related programs who are studying for their exams.
BatesVisualGuide.com serves as a complete learning solution for assessment instructions and physical examination techniques on a wide range of patient types and clinical contexts.
Visible Body makes available 3D model of human anatomy. It includes models, cross-sections, CT and MRI scans, cadaver images and 3D motion models of muscles and bones.
The WebApp is the primary resource for UniCamillus students and teachers:
Attending online lectures through a personalized and simplified portal for daily use, with the possibility of viewing each lesson in deferred mode.
Making an intuitive use of teaching materials collected and organized in the platform.
Checking a personal register so as to constantly monitor classes attendance, hours and other university activities.
Communicating and reporting any issues through a free chat directly connected with UniCamillus’ staff and teachers.
Support for online and remote teaching activities
Easy and intuitive uploading and dissemination of teaching materials to all students enrolled in the course.
Real-time and deferred visualization of students’ attendance and arrival times at classes and exams.
Quick communication with students through separate dedicated chats, also designed to maintain contacts with students living abroad.
UniCamillus has a private University library, dedicated to lecturers, students and technical-administrative staff. The Library is located on the Ground Floor of the University building.
The Library was inaugurated with the foundation of the University and it is gradually increasing its bibliographic resources in order to cope with the growing number of teaching and scientific research activities of UniCamillus.
The Library provides the following services:
- Free on-site book consultation
- Consultation of digital resources – OVID
- Self-service printing and scanning
- Free WiFi access
- Study and reading room