Student Representatives

Student Representatives

The Representatives role is to interact with the institutional bodies to:

  • forward students’ proposals and issues;
  • verify with the faculty eventual issues, and propose possible solutions;
  • ease and support the influx of vital academic information to the student body;
  • facilitate projects that benefit the student body, that enable students to gain knowledge, skills and competences, and the ability to work both individually and with a team.

In each 3-year Degree course, the elected Representatives are in office for three years and cannot be re-elected. In each single-cycle Degree course, the elected Representatives are in office for three years and can be re-elected. The appointment is considered automatically forfeited when the Representative loses the right to the passive vote, for any reason, in the Degree course in which he/she was elected.

The Student Representatives who graduate are considered out of office within the thirthieth day following the achievement of the Degree.

The Student Representatives must act upon the Code of Ethics, the Didactic Regulation and any other Regulation that governs the University activities. In case of violation they can be removed from office, following disciplinary actions by the Academic Disciplinary Supervisory Board.

MSc in Medicine and Surgery - Venice Campus

Academic Year 2023/2024

Antonio Mottola
[email protected]
Carlo Cascone[email protected]

MSc in Medicine and Surgery - Rome Campus

Academic Year 2023/2024

Ibrahim Youssef[email protected]
Meloni Alessandro[email protected]
Grilli Cicilioni Pietro[email protected]

Academic Year 2022/2023

Shlomovich Lihi [email protected]
Finazzo Federico [email protected]
Palazzi Annalisa [email protected]

Academic Year 2021/2022

Cucco Alberto[email protected]
Romano Arianna [email protected]
Vantaggiato Matteo [email protected]

Academic Year 2020/2021

Diletta Vittoria Carla Settimi  [email protected]
Carbone Manuelmaria[email protected]
Latrous Sarra El Beya[email protected]

Academic Year 2019/2020

Ilaria Cassano[email protected]
Valerio Barbagiovanni[email protected]
Dorlean Meisha Ayrine Yenah[email protected]

Academic Year 2018/2019

Michele Passaro[email protected]
Rebecca Femia[email protected]
Gianluca Cappuccini  [email protected]

MSc in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics

Academic Year 2023/2024

Furnari Gabriele[email protected]
Bravi Marco[email protected]
Moretti Lucrezia Maria[email protected]

Academic Year 2022/2023

De Stefano Francesco [email protected]
Minniti Francesco [email protected]

Academic Year 2021/2022

De Cuntis Giovanni[email protected]
D’Urso Agnese[email protected]
Tirone Michele [email protected]

Academic Year 2020/2021

Plutino Vincenzo[email protected]
Patrone Giuseppe[email protected]
Favetti Giaquinto Ilaria[email protected]

BSc in Physiotherapy

Academic Year 2023/2024

Ugolini Matteo[email protected]
Eisazadeh Mehrshad[email protected]

Academic Year 2022/2023

Susanna Cattaneo[email protected]
Singh Kushman[email protected] 

Academic Year 2021/2022

Paola De Franceschi[email protected]
Davide Eusepi[email protected]

BSc in Nursing

Academic Year 2023/2024

Chirayil Mani Bibi[email protected]
George Manackal Varkichan[email protected]
Ronchi Chiara[email protected]

Academic Year 2022/2023

Puthuppallimyalil Benny Albin[email protected] 
Cherchi Sofia [email protected]
Maduba Pamela Chisomaga[email protected] 

Academic Year 2021/2022

Edampadam Manu Sibi  [email protected]
Grosso Greta[email protected]
Zamponi Anita[email protected]

BSc in Midwifery

Academic Year 2023/2024

Lestini Chiara[email protected]
Iacono Quarantino Ohara[email protected]
Senatore Giuliana Francesca[email protected]

Academic Year 2022/2023

Vitello Giuseppa [email protected]
Mandolini Cecilia Irene[email protected] 

Academic Year 2021/2022

Mecarelli Benedetta [email protected]
Cantoni Michelle [email protected]

Academic Year 2020/2021

Censi Beatrice[email protected]

BSc in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques

Academic Year 2023/2024

Bartoluccio Gaia[email protected]
Vitale Melania[email protected]

Academic Year 2022/2023

Pafundi Giuseppe [email protected]
Giordano Angelica [email protected]

Academic Year 2021/2022

Lodato Paolo Gioacchino Maria [email protected]
Colizzi Samuel[email protected]

Academic Year 2019/2020

Ciccarelli Francesco[email protected]

BSc in Radiology, Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques

Academic Year 2023/2024

Bajardi Marco[email protected]
Mullassery Maria Thomas[email protected]

Academic Year 2022/2023

John Carlo Angcaya Deldio[email protected]
Andy Benoit[email protected]

Academic Year 2021/2022

Murray Lauren[email protected]
Sagheer Komal[email protected]

MSc in Human Nutrition Sciences

Academic Year 2023/2024

Evangelisti Luca[email protected]
Conforzi Giorgio[email protected]

Academic Year 2022/2023

Federico Costantini[email protected]
Davide Luglio[email protected]

Students’ Union

Following the Students’ Union elections of 13th September 2024, the positions of President, Vice-President and Secretary of the Students’ Union for the two-year period 2024/2026 have been assigned as follows (Rector’s decree no. 545 of 27/09/2024):

  • President: Eleonora Baldassari
  • Vice-President: Riccardo Conte
  • Secretary: Francesco De Stefano
  • Advisors:
    – John Carlo Angcaya Deldio
    – Giorgia Bonavita 
    – Alessia Briatico
    – Carlo Cascone
    – Sofia Cherchi
    – Giorgio Conforzi
    – Alberto Cucco
    – Paola De Franceschi
    – Camilla De Pedrini
    – Davide Eusepi
    – Luca Evangelisti
    – Flavio Giorgi
    – Josuè Hualca Ordonez
    – Vincenzo Lucidi
    – Cecilia Irene Mandolini
    – Giuseppe Pafundi
    – Michele Passaro
    – Arianna Romano
    – Giorgia Spina
    – Giuseppa Vitello