Explore the UniCamillus Gallery: discover the events, initiatives and activities of our University through a selection of photos and videos.
Opening day of Venice MSc in Medicine and Surgery
On 18th December 2023 UniCamillus welcomed the newly enrolled MSc Medicine and Surgery students to the IRCCS San Camillo al Lido Venice campus. Click here for further information
White Coat Ceremony 2023
The ceremony is a symbolic moment where fourth-year medical students put on a white coat representing doctors’ values. Click here for further information
UniCamillus IPE Days 2023
On May 25th and 26th 2023, UniCamillus hosted the InterProfessional Education (IPE) Days. These two days were dedicated to Interprofessional Education, something which the World Health Organization has been recommending for all healthcare training programmes since 2010. Click here for further information
School of Health Sciences Awards Ceremony 2023
On May 10th, in the UniCamillus’ main lecture theatre, a graduation ceremony for the academic year 2021-2022 took place. Over 200 people participated in the event, including special guests: journalists Emma D’Aquino and Vira Carbone, and Red Canzian, singer and musician in the famous Italian band “The Pooh”. Click here for further information
UniCamillus Open Day 2023
On January 21st 2023, UniCamillus held its Open Day, an opportunity to explore our Programmes for the medical and health professions. During the Open Day, prospective students and their families discovered the campus and had the chance to attend lectures and workshops with the participation of academic tutors, programme directors and students. The day ended with a preparation session for the MSc Medicine and MSc Dentistry entrance exam.
White Coat Ceremony 2022
Every year UniCamillus dedicates a special day to the fourth-year students of the MSc in Medicine and Surgery, the White Coat Ceremony, which symbolically marks the passage from preclinical to clinical subjects. Click here for further information
UniCamillus Welcome Days 2022
With the start of the 2022/2023 academic year, the main buildings at UniCamillus, UniCongress and the recently erected UniLabs are once again ready to welcome thousands of MSc Medicine, MSc Dentistry and Health Professions students, who are back in the lecture theatre. Click here for further information
UniCamillus’ humanitarian mission
The humanitarian missions in developing countries, involving UniCamillus’ students and faculty, are the embodiment of our University’s humanitarian mission. Examples include development cooperation activities, university cooperation and research by the UniCamillus Task Force in South America and Africa, as well as Health Volunteering in Dermatology in Africa.