Organization and Governance
Board of Directors
- Gianni Profita (Rector)
- Helge Antoni
- Vittorio Giordano
- Giancarlo Grimaldi
- Andrea Merolle
- Gianfranco Peluso
- Alden Smith
- Arnold Vahrenwald
Academic Senate
The Academic Senate is the body in charge of promoting and coordinating the University’s scientific and teaching activities. The Senate is made up of the Principal, who chairs it, and the Heads of Department.
The Director General takes part in meetings, acting as a Secretary of the Senate with advisory voting rights.
Evaluation Unit
The University, through the Evaluation Unit, uses an internal evaluation system in order to assess the quality of administration, teaching and research activities and measures to support the right to study.
Visit the dedicated pageAuditors’ Board
- Giovanbattista Oranges (Chair)
- Giordano Lumiera
- Giovannina Toscano
Academic Disciplinary Supervisory Board
- Paola Cozza (President)
- Fabio D’Agostino
- Roberta Lione
Integrated Research Centre
- Emiliano Maiani (Head)
- Daniele Armenia
- Fabio D’Agostino
- Maria Rosaria Gualano
- Giacomo Lazzarino
- Roberta Lione
- Luisa Pieroni
- Giuseppe Sciamanna
Departmental Faculty of Medicine
The Departmental Faculty of Medicine is in charge of developing scientific research, teaching and training activities and also external activities related to the course.
The members of the Departmental Faculty of Medicine are:
- Dean → Prof. Barbara Tavazzi
- Vice Dean → Prof. Emiliano Maiani
- Council → Click here
- Board → Click here
- Teachers-Students Joint Committee → Click here
- Student Community Officer → Click here
- Students’ Union → Click here
BSc and MSc Heads of School
- Barbara Tavazzi (MSc in Medicine and Surgery – Rome campus)
- Gabriella D’Orazi (MSc in Medicine and Surgery – Venice campus)
- Barbara Tavazzi ad interim (MSc in Medicine and Surgery – Cefalù campus)
- Paola Cozza (MSc in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics)
- Gianfranco Peluso (MSc in Human Nutrition Sciences)
- Daniele Armenia (BSc in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques)
- Cinzia Ciccacci (BSc in Midwifery)
- Fabio D’Agostino (BSc in Nursing)
- Maria Rosaria Gualano (BSc in Radiology, Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques)
- Susanna Cordone (BSc in Physiotherapy)
Programme Directors
- Alessandra Carlizza (BSc in Physioterapy)
- Sofia Colaceci (BSc in Midwifery)
- Noemi Giannetta (BSc in Nursing)
- Fabbio Marcuccilli (BSc in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques)
- Federico Santarelli (BSc in Radiology, Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques)
University Quality Committee
The University Quality Committee (Presidio di Qualità di Ateneo – PQA) is in charge of aligning quality procedures with the strategic guidelines set by the University’s governance bodies, and coordinates internal and external university governance bodies, in order to promote initiatives that can help achieve quality goals.
Visit the dedicated pageSupervisory Board
- Maria Mazzei
Personal Data Protection
Data Protection Officer (DPO):
- Roberta Taurino – [email protected]
University Ethics Committee
Advisory Committee
- Angelo Cichelli (Professor, SSD AGR/15)
- Francesco Cognetti (Lecturer in Medical Oncology, Med/06)
- Ugo Covani (President of Fondazione Istituto Stomatologico Toscano ONLUS)
- Mario D’Ambrosio (UMA Director – School of Management)
- Paolo Di Francesco (Head of the Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Rome Tor Vergata)
- Jessica Veronica Faroni (Health Manager, INI Group, and member of ACOP – Association for the Coordination of Private Hospitals)
- Antonio Magi (President of the Medical Board of Rome)
- Brunello Pollifrone (Organisation Officer of Dental Boards of Rome)
- Vincenzo Carlo La Regina (Medical director, ASL Roma 6)
- Francesco Marchitelli (Temporary medical officer, ASL Roma 6)
- Francesca Klinger (Full professor, SSD BIOS-13/A)
Equal Opportunities Committee
- Sofia Colaceci
- Donatella Padua
- Veronica Sgaggiaro
- Josuè Hualca Ordonez
Delegates and Advisors to the Rector
- Sofia Colaceci – Equal opportunities and relations with students and Guarantor student community delegate
- Emiliano Maiani – Research delegate
- Daniele Masala – Promotion of Sports Activities delegate
- Roberta Nardacci – Quality delegate
- Lorenzo Ippoliti – Students with disabilities and specific learning difficulties integration delegate (DSA)
- Rosa Maria Paragliola – Internship activities delegate
- Donatella Padua – Third Mission delegate
- Francesca Gioia Klinger – Internationalization delegate
- Cristina Capuano – Medical learning delegate
- Luca Paolo Weltert – Internationalization, orientation and placement delegate
Representatives for the Rector
- Salvatore Maria Corsello and Roberta Nardacci – CRUL Teaching Commission representatives
Third Mission Committee
- Donatella Padua (Head)
- Mario D’Ambrosio
- Emiliano Maiani
- Barbara Tavazzi
University's scientific and technical committee
For the PRIN 2022 and PRIN 2022 PNRR projects
Within the framework of the PRIN 2022 and PRIN 2022 PNRR projects, the University’s Technical and Scientific Committee has been appointed by Rector’s Decree No. 591 of 10-10-2024 and is made up of the following members:
- Luisa Pieroni – Associate Professor BIOS-09/A (President)
- Daniele Armenia – Associate Professor MEDS-03/A (Member)
- Silvia Consalvi – Associate Professor MEDS-02/B (Member)
- Costanza Montagna – Researcher BIOS-10/A (Member)
- Giuseppe Caruso – Researcher BIOS-11/A (Member)
Students’ Union
Following the Students’ Union elections of 13th September 2024, the positions of President, Vice-President and Secretary of the Students’ Union for the two-year period 2024/2026 have been assigned as follows (Rector’s decree no. 545 of 27/09/2024):
- President: Eleonora Baldassari
- Vice-President: Riccardo Conte
- Secretary: Francesco De Stefano
– John Carlo Angcaya Deldio
– Giorgia Bonavita
– Alessia Briatico
– Carlo Cascone
– Sofia Cherchi
– Giorgio Conforzi
– Alberto Cucco
– Paola De Franceschi
– Camilla De Pedrini
– Davide Eusepi
– Luca Evangelisti
– Flavio Giorgi
– Josuè Hualca Ordonez
– Vincenzo Lucidi
– Cecilia Irene Mandolini
– Giuseppe Pafundi
– Michele Passaro
– Arianna Romano
– Giorgia Spina
– Giuseppa Vitello