Applications procedure


The course aims to provide the orthodontic fundamentals for those who want to train qualitatively in the management of a clinical case, from the diagnosis to the planning and implementation of a treatment plan, with in-depth knowledge of the various orthodontic strategies.

Scheduled start date: September 2024 


  •  Lectures at different hotels in Albania, viva voce examination at UniCamillus University.
  •  Internship and practical sessions at the GogaDent Dental Clinic (as well as all necessary and appropriate venues for practical activities, i.e. companies, laboratories, etc.)

Language: English

ECTS credits: 60


The programme lasts 12 months and comprises a total of 1,500 hours, divided as follows:

  • lectures and seminars;
  • practical sessions;
  • internship;
  • individual study and activities including preparation for the final exam

Attendance mode:

Attendance is mandatory for at least 80% of the total number of hours. As far as lectures and seminars are concerned, 1 weekend per month should be attended. The total number of hours dedicated to the internship will be scheduled in accordance with the host organisation.

Available slots:

A minimum number of 10 students are requested to start the course. If this number is not reached, UniCamillus may unilaterally decide not to start the course (in which case all fees will be reimbursed).

The maximum number of available slots is 50.



The following online meetings are scheduled as further support for students: 

– introductory seminars focusing on step-by-step diagnosis in orthodontics; 

– themed seminars held by lecturers during the year of enrolment on the course; 

– Study Club for the discussion of participants’ clinical cases.

Calendario programma didattico

1° MODULO:  

Advanced Diagnosis, Etiology of Malocclusions and Dentofacial Deformities and Treatment Plan Clinical examination and records collection 

First visit and clinical examination 

Extraoral and intra oral photographs 

Radiological examination 

Model of dental arches 

Orthodontic diagnosis 

Aesthetic evaluation and Arnett analysis 

Cephalometric analysis and Nemoceph software 

Space analysis and dental arches models 

Problem list and treatment objectives Dental Visual Treatment Objective (VTO) 

The Normal occlusion principles 

The Andrews 6 occlusal keys Principles for a correct occlusion 

Description of malocclusions 


Early Dentofacial Orthopedics and Late Dentofacial Orthopedics 

Treatment of the growing patient 

Principles of functional therapy 

Analysis of the patient’s skeletal maturation using the cervical vertebrae staging method (CVM) Functional and Orthopedic appliances: skeletal and dental components of growth modification 

The impacted canines 

Etiology and diagnosis 

Interceptive therapy of ectopic canines in the mixed dentition 

The orthodontic-surgical treatment of the impacted canine in the permanent dentition: the palatal and buccal approach 


Functional-Ortho Approach 

Interceptive orthopedic protocol for skeletal Class I- II-III malocclusion in growing patients 


Conventional Straight Wire Mechanics 

Intra-arch treatment mechanics

MBT appliance: prescription, versatility, concept of low continuous forces; space closure with sliding mechanics; individualized arch form 

Leveling and aligning, overbite correction (OVB), space closure 

Laceback, bendback, passive and active tieback 

Sequence of archwires 

The anchorage request in extraction and no-extraction cases 


Management of skeletal and dental discrepancies: Sagittally, vertically, and/or transversally 

Diagnosis of Class II malocclusion 

The vertical, horizontal and transversal components in the Class II malocclusions Skeletal and dental features 

Treatment of the growing patient 

Principles of functional therapy 

Analysis of the patient’s skeletal maturation using the cervical vertebrae staging method (CVM) Functional appliances: skeletal and dental components of growth modification 

The vertical problems 

Open bite: skeletal and dental features, diagnosis and treatment options 

Deeb bite: skeletal and dental features, diagnosis and treatment options 

Transverse maxillary deficiency: diagnosis and treatment options 

Diagnosis of skeletal or dentoalveolar contraction of the maxilla 

The expansion of the maxilla in mixed dentition, in permanent dentition, and in the adult patient Skeletal expansion versus dentoalveolar expansion 


Extraction vs Non-Extraction, how to make the decision 

Class I malocclusion 

Dento-alveolar discrepancy 

Dental bimaxillary protrusion 

Agenesis of lateral incisors: when to open and when to close the spaces 

Inter-proximal reduction (IPR) or stripping as a useful method to gain space in the arch 

No-extraction treatment in Class II malocclusions 

Distalization of the upper dental arch and treatment options 

Class II elastics 

Extraction treatment in Class II malocclusions 

The selection of teeth to be extracted on the basis of the anchorage needs from the dental VTO Anchorage management 

Treatment options in adult patients 

Extraction treatment in the permanent dentition: guidelines and mechanics

Non-extraction treatment and camouflage in the permanent dentition: guidelines and mechanics 


Dental Aligner Correction in 3 Planes of Space 

Clear aligners biomechanics 

Principles of biomechanics 

Features of aligners and attachments 

Treatment planning 

3D control and Clincheck review 


Clinical Indications and therapeutic protocols with aligners in growing patients 

Patient and clinical management 

Management of patients and delivery of aligners 

Attachments bonding: tips and tricks 

Interproximal reduction 

Fitting issues and troubleshoots with aligners 

Clinical overview 

Transverse dento-alveolar discrepancy and arch form development 

Crowding management and treatment options 

Class II management and treatment options 

Class III management and treatment options 

Vertical problems and treatment options 


The role of orthodontics in temporomandibular disorders 

The mandibular position and occlusion and their decisive role in maintaining the body’s musculoskeletal and postural balance 

The alteration of the mandibular and occlusal balance in relation to the articular and or muscular manifestations 

Clinical findings in the approach to patients with TMJ problems 

Importance of the functional and diagnostic balance for setting up an adequate joint and neuromuscular rehabilitation therapy 


Thesis discussion 

* Come ulteriore supporto ai masterizzandi sono programmati i seguenti incontri online: – Seminari propedeutici focalizzati sulla diagnosi in ortodonzia step by step; – Seminari a tema svolti dai relatori durante l’anno d’iscrizione al Master; 

– Study Club per la discussione dei casi clinici dei partecipanti.



The course Director is Prof. Paola Cozza.

Main lecturers:

– Roberta Lione 

– Chiara Pavoni 

– Piero Cascone  

– Yllka Abazi 

– Francesca Gazzani 

– Elisabetta Cretella Lombardo



In order to be accepted on to the course you have to meet at least one of the following requirements (or be in the process of completing them by the end date of enrolment):
MSc Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics or Degree obtained under the previous university system in Medicine and Surgery with registration with the Board of Surgeons and record of specialisation in Dentistry or registration with the Board of Dentists pursuant to Article 5 of Law 409/85.

Candidates who may also apply:
• individuals in possession of qualifications equivalent to those listed above obtained under the previous university system.
• individuals holding an academic qualification obtained abroad that is equivalent in duration and content to those listed above.

The University reserves the right to accept applicants with different qualifications, but which are relevant to the CPD course.


Applications must be submitted via the GOMP portal by 15 September 2024 following instructions given in the GUIDE (download here) published on the UniCamillus website.

In order to apply you must provide the following documents and upload them to the portal:

  • curriculum vitae et studiorum in European format, dated and signed;
  • photocopy of a valid identity document;
  • PDF copy of degree certificate;
  • any additional qualifications you wish to submit for evaluation;
  • photocopy of your tax code or health card (for Italian citizens and foreigners who have one);
  • for candidates holding qualifications equivalent to those required: declaration in lieu of certification, pursuant to art. 46, point m, of Presidential Decree No. 445 of 28/12/2000, certifying that the qualifications in question have been obtained in accordance with the regulations in force.

For candidates with qualifications equivalent to those required:

  • Declaration of Value on Site issued by the Italian Consular Authority of the country of study (accompanied by transcript of records + copy of the final diploma) or a(n) CIMEA Certificate of Comparability/ARDI Statement of Correspondence accompanied by a CIMEA Statement of Verification (see the CIMEA platform) or Diploma Supplement (if it is a European qualification) issued by the University of origin and legalised at the Italian Embassy of the country of study. Students who submit incomplete documentation will be admitted with reservation and cannot complete their enrolment until all the required documentation has been submitted.

Applications with reservation will not be accepted due to incomplete documentation or incorrect entry of data on the application form.

Once accepted, candidates will have to follow the enrolment procedure according to the instructions provided in the special guide, which will be emailed to them together with notification of admission to the programme.



Selection Notification

Privacy Form

Study Abroad Declaration



The registration fee for the course is € 5,000, plus € 50,00 for secretarial fees (including registration stamp and stamp for the issuing of certificates) to be paid in 2 instalments: 

  • First instalment: € 2,000 + € 50,00 for secretarial fees, to be paid by the enrolment deadline provided by UNICAMILLUS together with notification of admission to the course.
  • Second instalment: € 3,000 to be paid by 31 December 2024.

If candidates do not make the payment within the timeframe specified by UniCamillus in the admission notice, they shall lose their position in the ranking list and the list will be scrolled until all slots are filled.

Payment of registration fees is outside the scope of VAT pursuant to Art. 4 DPR 633/72, as it is part of the University’s institutional educational offer. Once payment has been made, a receipt will be issued to certify it.

Download the CPD course Brochure

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Post-Graduate School

UniCamillus – Saint Camillus International University of Health Sciences Via di Sant’Alessandro 8 – 00131 Roma

Website: www.unicamillus.org Mail: postlaurea@unicamillus.org Tel. 06 40 06 40 PEC: postlaurea.unicamillus@pec.it