Registration fee

Registration closed


The Course aims to improve knowledge in the field of pain in cranio-mandibular dysfunction, taking into account the latest updates in the literature and sharing clinical experiences  from a multidisciplinary point of view.

Directors: Prof. Piero Cascone, Prof. David Serrano Angelo, Dr. Valerio Palmierini

Master Start Date: 17 September 2022


  • Centro Congressi Cavour
  • UniCamillus University

Language: English

Credits: 4 C.F.U.

The course lasts 5 teaching days and includes a total amount of 32 hours.
The course will be delivered and divided as follows:

  • Theoretical lessons
  • Clinical workshops with patients
  • Live surgery

Available slots:
In order to activate the Course, the minimum number of students is 15. Below this threshold, UniCamillus may unilaterally decide not to activate the course (refunding already paid fees).
The maximum number of available slots is 30.

Career Opportunities:
6% percent of the population has cranio-mandibular pathologies and is in need of treatment plans. Supply in this sector is very limited.


Candidates holding at least one of the following qualifications can access the course:

  • Degree in Health Professions
  • Degree in Medicine and Surgery
  • Degree in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetic

Candidates holding an academic qualification earn abroad which is equivalent in duration and content to the Italian academic qualification required for admission to the Course may also apply.

In the latter case, candidates must produce Declaration of Value on Site issued by the Italian Consular Authority of the country of study (accompanied by transcript of records + copy of the final diploma) or a(n) CIMEA Certificate of Comparability/ARDI Statement of Correspondence accompanied by a CIMEA Statement of Verification (see the CIMEA platform) or Diploma Supplement (if it is a European qualification) issued by the University of origin and legalised at the Italian Embassy of the country of study.

Candidates not holding or not presenting a suitable qualification within 6 months from enrolment, in accordance with current regulations, forfeit their enrolment, if already admitted, and have no right to a refund of any amount paid to the University.

In case of lacking of the aforementioned requirements, Didactic Administrative Office can exclude candidates from the Course at any time and with a justified provision.


The application must be submitted via the GOMP student portal following instructions given in the GUIDE by August 16, 2022.

In order to complete your application, you will need to provide the following documents, which will be attached to the portal during the procedure:

  • curriculum vitae and study curriculum in European format, dated and signed;
  • duplicate of a valid identity document;
  • copy of the Degree Certificate;
  • statement confirming the acknowledgment of the Policy for the protection of personal data under articles 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on “protection of individuals concerning the treatment of personal data” (hereinafter also “GDPR”) provided by UniCamillus (available on the Portal);
  • duplicate of tax code or health card (for Italian citizens and foreigners holding it).

For candidates holding qualifications equivalent to those required:
– certifying declaration in lieu, pursuant to art. 46 point m of Presidential Decree no. 445 of 28/12/2000, certifying the achievement of the qualifications themselves, in accordance with current regulations.

Conditional admissions due to incomplete documentation or incorrect transcription of data on the application form  will not be accepted.

Following admission, candidates must carry out the enrolment procedure following the directions provided in the dedicated guide, which will be sent by email along with the notice of admission to the Course.


Selection Notification

Privacy Form

Study Abroad Declaration


The participation fee is equal to Euro 1.800 to which are added € 50.00 for the secretarial fees (including the registration stamp and the stamp for the issuance of the parchment), to be paid in 2 instalments of the same amount:

  • First installment: Euro 900 + 50 Euro of secretarial fees within the deadline for registration that will be communicated by UNICAMILLUS together with the communication of successful admission to the Master.
  • Second instalment: Euro 900 by 18/09/2022.

Registration will be considered completed only after finalizing the payment.

Failure in paying the fee by the deadline will result in suspension of access to the platform and in non-admission to the final exam.  Interruption of any kind in students’ attendance to lessons and didactic activities does not exempt them from paying the remaining installments.

RIGHT TO RECONSIDER – In the event that enrolment has been completed remotely or outside the University premises, within the term of 14 (fourteen) days starting from enrolment (from the date in which payments were made), students can exercise the right of reconsideration by clearly communicating to UniCamillus the will to reconsider. The latter must be sent by certificate email (CEM) to or This request should be sent by certified email (CEM) to or by registered mail with return receipt to be sent to: UniCamillus – Segreteria Master – Via di Sant’Alessandro 8 – 00131 Roma.  In case of exercising this right to reconsider, UniCamillus will proceed to refund the paid amount within the following 14 (fourteen) days – withholding an amount of 5% of the paid sum for secretarial services – using the same means of payment previously employed by the User, unless expressly indicating a different means of payment.
Except for mandatory cases, expressly stated in this announcement, no refund will be made under any circumstances.

RIGHT TO WAIVE STUDIES – By exercising the right of abandonment or waiver of studies, students will no longer have access to any educational activity and/or qualification to use the tools UniCamillus puts at their disposal.

Students wishing to waive must submit a waiver application using an online procedure. They must access the student portal (GOMP) with their credentials, visiting the “careers> applications> study waiver application” section.

In the event of waiver, the amounts already paid up to the time of submission of the waiver application will not be reimbursed under any circumstances.

Students who waive their studies or abandon them after the beginning of lessons are required to pay in full the whole amount of fees and contributions.


Post-Graduate School

UniCamillus – Saint Camillus International University of Health Sciences Via di Sant’Alessandro 8 – 00131 Roma



Tel. 06 40 06 40