• giovanna.darcangelo@unicamillus.org

Giovanna D'Arcangelo

Physiology - BIO/09


University of Rome "La Sapienza" graduated with full marks and honors as
At the present time, she is Associate Professor in Physiology, Department of
Systems Medicine, University of Rome Tor Vergata.
Since 2001 Teaching Assignment of Human Physiology in One-cycle degree
courses, in Master’s degree courses and in Degree Courses, Faculty of
Medicine and Surgery University of Rome Tor Vergata.
Research Area: i) study of synaptic transmission and neuronal plasticity and

their modulation by neuro protective and antioxidant substances; ii) study of
the effects of membrane lipid modulation and neurodegenerative
mechanisms mediated by excitotoxicity; iii) study of the effects of different
training protocols in healthy, aging and affected mice by neurodegenerative
disease on synaptic and muscular plasticity; iv) study of microgravity effects
on muscle cells and human bones.
She was and still is Research Project Manager of projects funded by public
and private bodies.
She has written 51 scientific papers, published in international, high-impact