• giovanna.maragliano@unicamillus.org

Giovanna Maragliano

General and specialised pediatrics - Med/38


After degree in Medicine, she achieved specialization in Neonatology in 1994, then in Pediatrics in 1996, at Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Rome, where she worked as internal universitary MD in Neonatology Division at “A.Gemelli” Universitary Hospital.
In 2006 she achieved specialization in Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation at “Tor Vergata” University of Rome, where she also achieved specialization in Internal Medicine, in 2012.
She worked in Neonatology Unit of S.Giovanni Addolorata Hospital in Rome for 22 years, always committed to the NICU, and was responsible for the assignment of “Neonatal Intensive Care Therapy” for 13 years.
In the same hospital she also directed Complex Operating Neonatology Unit with NICU from 2014 to 2016.
At present, she is Director of Complex Operating Unit of Pediatrics and Neonatology at Castelli Hospital – ASL RM 6.
In 2006-2007 she was teacher of Neonatology at 1st year of Degree in Obstetrics at Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Rome.
From 2007 she’s been teaching Neonatology and Pediatrics at 3rd year of Degree in Nursing Sciences at Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Rome.
She oriented her scientific interests and studies in the field of neonatal haematology (anemia of prematurity and use of rHuEPO; study of neonatal coagulative disorders), neonatal infectivology, with special regard to congenital infections; epidemiological study of multiple pregnancies; neonatal chronic lung disease; enteral and parenteral nutrition of premature newborn.