• antonio.moroni@unicamillus.org

Antonio Moroni

Locomotor System Diseases – MEDS-19/A (formerly MED/33)


Prof. Moroni graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Bologna with 110/110 cum laude with the dignity of printing his degree thesis. He specialized in Orthopedics and Traumatology with 70/70 cum laude at the Orthopedic Clinic of the University of Bologna at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes. He has performed several periods of study in prestigious foreign university centers to deepen his experience in the field of hip and knee surgery.

He carries out surgical activities under an agreement with the NHS as Director of the Second Operating Unit of the IRCCS San Siro in Milan and as Director of the Hip Coating Center of the Villa Regina Hospital in Bologna. Most of the surgical activity concerns hip and knee surgery. Since 2018, he has been the surgeon who annually performs the most hip resurfacing operations worldwide. He personally performed more than 6000 hip resurfacing operations with metal / metal tribology (MOM).

He has published more than 200 scientific papers, 68 of which in English-language scientific journals with impact factor. He has published as first author on all the most prestigious British and American orthopedic scientific journals. He is the author of 7 book chapters and a monograph printed abroad.
He has obtained 7 prizes for scientific activity, among these the prizes for the best scientific work of the Spanish Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology, American Orthopedic Trauma Association and American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons stand out.

In 2021 he was transferred to the UniCamillus University of Rome as Full Professor of Locomotor System Diseases.