Student Notices


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Students' Notices

UniCamillus Recruitment Day | 27th October 2023

On Friday 27th October 2023, UniCamillus University will host its Recruitment Day, an event dedicated to UniCamillus students and graduates. Attendees will have the opportunity to directly interact with companies in the healthcare sector, learn about available career opportunities, and start laying the foundations for their professional future.
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Enrolment Renewal A.Y. 2023/2024

The enrolment renewal procedure for all UniCamillus students registered to single-cycle degree courses (Medicine and Surgery, Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics) and three-year degree courses in the Health Professions (Physiotherapy, Midwifery, Nursing, Biomedical Laboratory Techniques, Medical Radiology, Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques) will be active for the Academic Year 2023/2024  on the Gomp student portal starting from...
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Terza Missione e Salute: Impatto Sociale e Medicina Inclusiva|5th July 2023

Terza Missione e Salute: Impatto Sociale e Medicina Inclusiva | 5th July 2023
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Instructions for information request

Information requests or clarifications should be addressed to the email of the relevant department responsible for the subject matter. Please use the email only for requests not dealt with by specific offices. However, considering the high volume of inquiries received, we suggest you consult the pages of our website covering the topic of your interest, including...
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Go to the Degree Course

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Go to the Degree Course

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Go to the Degree Course

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Please read the bulletin board.