The Knowledge Review promotes UniCamillus: “The Most Desirable Medical University of 2023”

The renowned Indo-American magazine for higher education dedicates a dossier to the Medical University of Rome, recognising its excellence.

Innovation, commitment to research, internationality, humanitarian vocation, and state-of-the-art technologies: these are the characteristics that make UniCamillus the “most desirable medical university of 2023”.This statement comes from The Knowledge Review, a high education magazine that last May dedicated an entire issue to UniCamillus, highlighting the reasons why it should be chosen as a stepping stone into the world of the healthcare professions. The merits for this title are many and converge in the vision of providing high-quality medicine in the service of all people, particularly those living in poor conditions. The dossier is called UniCamillus – Where Innovation Meets Excellence. But what makes a university “excellent”? According to The Knowledge Review Magazine, it goes beyond the concept of a university, transcending technicalities, knowledge and teaching methods, and enriching them with values of inclusion and dedication to others. UniCamillus can be defined as a university “with a soul,” thanks to the will of its Rector, Prof. Gianni Profita and the entire Academic Community.

UniCamillus has a soul that aims to disseminate the results of medical research to improve not only society’s quality of life but also its values. The article, in  particular, focuses on UniCamillus’ attention to developing countries. This takes various forms: through humanitarian missions where highly experienced healthcare professionals travel to places where health is not easily accessible; through agreements with embassies of disadvantaged countries, providing financial programmes that allow their students to study Medicine in Italy, enabling them to take their acquired skills back to their homeland and serve their people; and through research projects aimed at addressing diseases prevalent in poorer countries. It is no coincidence that UniCamillus welcomes students from more than 60 countries, and the magazine regards it as having the highest percentage of international students compared to other European universities. The resulting internationalisation translates into a vibrant multicultural community and fruitful international cooperation, without the suffocating limitations of those who believe that different languages and religions are a problem. The only valid belief for all is “health“, as is specified in the American dossier.

To deliver quality results, it is undoubtedly necessary to possess state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, as well as valuable researchers. That is why the dossier mentions the advanced digital databases available at our University for bioinformatics research, laboratories and research centres in the chemical and biological fields, and the network of excellent healthcare facilities with which UniCamillus researchers collaborate. A special reference is made to the upcoming project of establishing clinics dedicated to Physiotherapy, Dentistry, and Diagnostics.

In UniCamillus, innovation meets excellence, as is emphasised by our overseas colleagues. We would also like to add that achieving the title of the “most desirable medical university of the year” within only 5 years of it being established demonstrates that behind this successful endeavour, there is an essential element: the passion and dedication of those who work here, for what they do and what they still aim to build.

⇒ Click here to read the Magazine’s Digital Edition: The Knowledge Review – May 2023