Curated by Marzio Angelo Zullo, Director of the UniCamillus Master

Dysfunctions of the pelvic floor represent an increasingly important health problem in our country and, considering that the average age of the population tends to constantly increase, these diseases are destined to take on an increasingly important extent with all the psychological, social, but also economic consequences.

In Italy, 10.6% of the population suffers from urinary and fecal incontinence: about 4,200,000 people, of which 3,000,000 are female, are affected by urinary incontinence and about 1,500,000 are affected by fecal incontinence. These data are even more important if we consider that they are characterized by a constantly growing trend observed in recent years for all the age groups analyzed: 20-30% of incontinent people are recorded at a young age, 30-40% in middle age and 30-50% in geriatric age.
By pelvic floor we mean the complex of soft parts that close the lower opening of the pelvis forming a diaphragm, formed by three muscle layers, which is crossed behind by the terminal tract of the digestive tract and in front of the urogenital tract.

The prevention of all pelvic floor problems should begin at a young age, when it is possible to eliminate the onset and the worsening continuation of these pathologies, especially during pregnancy and after childbirth, with the muscular exercise of the pelvic floor (re-education of the pelvic floor).
Furthermore, the first level of treatment internationally recognized is the rehabilitation therapy of the pelvic floor with well-established clinical results (80-85% of healing and improvements).

In Italy, since 1985, there has been a serious interest in pelvic floor rehabilitation techniques, but, it was only in 1992 that the International Continence Society finally recognized the scientific validity of rehabilitation techniques in bladder-sphincter-perianal dysfunctions. An important contribution to its scientific dignity and its diffusion was certainly made by the first three International Consultations on Incontinence which took place in Munich and Paris (1998, 2001 and 2004). In Italy, since the end of the 1980s, an educational program has been implemented which, although not always coordinated, has caused a growing interest on the part of health professionals in the specific sector.

Pelvic floor rehabilitation therapy can be defined as a set of specific conservative techniques (we are not talking about surgical and / or pharmacological methods) which aim to correct multiple dysfunctions of the male and female pelvic floor (urinary and fecal incontinence , pelvic pain, initial urogenital prolapse and some sexological dysfunctions).
Appropriately implemented rehabilitation techniques, according to the specific problem, all aim at improving the perianal “performance” so as to allow the pelvic floor to perform its functions of supporting the pelvic viscera, strengthening the sphincter-urethral and contrasting the increases in abdominal pressure.

An important criticality of the Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation Treatment present in our country is a serious shortage of rehabilitation centers capable of providing health services of this type. Furthermore, it is increasingly required at the level of Scientific Societies and Orders representing the Health Professions for the training and recognition at the University level of professionals who can perform this treatment. It is understandable that in the near future the demand for Professionals with characterization of experts in conservative treatment of the Pelvic Floor will be ever greater and the need to perform specific Masters will be mandatory to carry out their work.

Marzio Angelo Zullo is the Director of the 1st level Master in Rehabilitation and rehabilitation treatment of pelvic floor dysfunctions at UniCamillus.

Our Master aims to provide adequate preparation aimed at the acquisition, by the professionals, of skills for the management of pelvic floor disorders, acquiring competence in physiokinesiotherapy muscle training techniques of the pelvic floor, in ‘electrostimulation and biofeedback of the perianal muscles. The Master is aimed at preparing the Nurse(s), the Midwife(ves)/ or the Physiotherapist(s) to face in a team the treatment of incontinence, obstructed defecation, female and male sexual disorders, chronic pelvic pain with “Highly professional competence”.

For more information on the Master click HERE