UniCamillus Rome Campus

The UniCamillus Campus in Rome

UniCamillus University Campus is located in Rome, Via di Sant’Alessandro 8/30, in the northeastern part of the city. It includes various interconnected buildings.

UniCamillus Campus

Central building and Rector's office

UniCamillus’ central building has a basement used as a garage and four above-ground floors. Externally, it is surrounded by a large parking area available to the academic community. The building comprises 12 classrooms and laboratories distributed across various floors, reception and welcome areas, student services, study rooms, and on the ground floor, areas designated for the production and assembly of distance learning online classes. The building also houses offices for student guidance and counselling, staff rooms, a café, meeting rooms equipped for videoconferencing, and workstations for lecturers, researchers and programme directors. Additionally, the central building serves as the location for the University’s Rector’s Office.

UniCamillus’ central building photo 

UniCamillus’ central building classrooms photo

UniCamillus has a traditional library, which is available to students Mondays to Fridays from 8am to 8pm, as well as a digital library powered by the Ovid platform to provide users with online access to the international scientific literature from the Wolters Kluwer group, as well as major medical clinical platforms.

Computer Labs

UniCamillus campus houses computer labs equipped with:

  • PCs, overhead projectors, whiteboards, projection screens, fiber-optic internet connection, data networks with closed-circuit options for conducting computerized tests and other forms of assessment.

Computer Labs photo 

UniCongress Hall

UniCamillus’ UniCongress Hall building has large auditoria with a total seating capacity of approximately 620 people, including a main lecture theatre with 230 seats, offices and workspaces for faculty. The main lecture theatre/conference hall is equipped with control and simultaneous translation systems. The building also has a spacious reception hall and is surrounded by a vast parking area available to the academic community.

UniCongress Hall photo

UniCongress Hall photo

UniLabs - Scientific facilities

UniCamillus’ UniLabs building includes lecture halls with seating for approximately 1,000 students, teaching and scientific laboratories, numerous faculty offices, meeting rooms, staff rooms and reception areas. The building is also surrounded by a large parking area available to the academic community.

UniLabs photo

UniLabs photo


The UniHall building is primarily intended for student study and relaxation activities. It includes numerous study rooms, a library, a printing centre, offices for student associations, and a relaxation area with a microwave, kettle, etc.

The building will also house several classrooms, two of which are equipped with PCs that can be used for conducting computerized tests and other forms of assessment.

UniHall prospectus
UniHall classrooms photos


The building housing UniCamillus’ Auditorium has facilities and equipment suitable for multiple functions, serving as a conference hall as well as a theatre for performances and concerts, and a multimedia room which can be used for presentations by both students and staff.

Additionally, there is a classroom capable of accommodating approximately 230 people, equipped with PCs for conducting computerized tests and other forms of assessment.

Auditorium classrooms photos

UniCamillus Suites

UniCamillus houses laboratories and suites for practical activities which are available to students Mondays to Saturdays, from 8am to 8pm.

Anatomy Suite

UniCamillus’ Anatomy Suite features:

  • 40 workstations
  • 3D anatomical models specifically designed to enhance teaching and learning
  • PCs, overhead projectors, whiteboards, projection screens
Anatomy Suite photos

Microscopy Suite

UniCamillus’ Microscopy Suite includes:

  • 31 workstations
  • Zeiss electron microscopes with digital projection cameras
  • PCs, overhead projectors, whiteboards, projection screens
Microscopy Suite photos

Dentistry Suite

The University has an innovative Dentistry Suite for practical and professional development activities for MSc Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics students, allowing them to simulate clinical activities.

The room features 24 high-tech dental workstations for students and one workstation for the tutor. The tutor’s workstation includes an operating lamp with an integrated camera, ideal for effective, direct and precise communication during practice sessions. Each workstation is equipped with an LCD monitor capable of instantly transmitting the tutor’s practical demonstrations using the Easy-Teach software. Each workstation configuration consists of four Smily simulators arranged in a circular shape, allowing the teacher to have constant and careful observation of the students’ actions at every given moment.

Dentistry Suite photo

UniLabs laboratories

The laboratories in the UniLabs building are equipped with state-of-the-art technology. Students can refine their practical skills and learn advanced research methodologies, guided by tutors and expert professionals.

The goal of laboratory activities is to provide UniCamillus students with practical training, allowing them to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired during lectures. This also helps develop their research skills, refine their ability to interpret laboratory test results, and prepare them for future careers in the medical or scientific field.

UniLabs laboratories photos

All classrooms are equipped with high-definition overhead projectors, whiteboards, projection screens, audio and video systems for streaming and distance learning.

All buildings and spaces are interconnected and have Internet access via 1 Giga fiber-optic connections, accessible through both wired and Wi-Fi networks at all locations.