Scholarships and Honours Student Loans

UniCamillus provides a significant number of full or partial scholarships for deserving and highly motivated EU and non-EU students who do not have sufficient financial resources.

Scholarships are financed also by national and international organizations engaged in humanitarian activities; they believe in the support to future physicians, nurses, obstetricians and technicians who will address health emergencies that still affect a substantial part of the world


EU Students - academic year 2025/2026

For EU students, there are merit-based scholarships for the MSc in Medicine and Surgery for the academic year 2025/2026 in the amount of Euro 5,250.00 (Euro five thousand two hundred and fifty/00).

Students enrolled with a valid ISEE Diritto allo Studio of no more than Euro 55,000.00 (fifty-five thousand/00) will be exempted from paying the amount of Euro 5,250.00 (Euro five thousand two hundred and fifty/00), equal to 25% of the annual university contribution, provided that they are positioned among the first 50 in the ranking, as beneficiaries of the merit scholarships financed by UniCamillus for the MSc in Medicine and Surgery for the academic year 2025/2026. The amount resulting from this benefit will be deducted from the last expected installment of the annual university contribution (deadline 28th February 2026).

Read the Article 9 of Rector’s Decree 692 – Call for applications for MSc Medicine and Surgery (Rome campus) – Academic Year 2025/2026

→  Scholarship Regulations for EU and Equivalent Students for MSc Medicine and Surgery – Academic Year 2025/2026

For EU students, there are merit-based scholarships for the MSc in Medicine and Surgery for the academic year 2025/2026 in the amount of Euro 3,750.00 (three thousand seven hundred and fifty Euros/00).

Those enrolled in the Veneto region with a valid ISEE Diritto allo Studio of no more than Euro 55,000.00 (fifty-five thousand/00) will be exempted from paying the amount of Euro 3,750.00 (three thousand seven hundred and fifty Euros/00), equal to 25% of the annual university fee, provided they are positioned among the first 20 in the ranking, as beneficiaries of merit-based scholarships funded by UniCamillus for the MSc in Medicine and Surgery for the academic year 2025/2026.

Read the Article 9 of Rector’s Decree 694 – Call for applications for MSc Medicine and Surgery (Venice campus) – Academic Year 2025/2026

→  Scholarship Regulations for EU and Equivalent Students for MSc Medicine and Surgery – Academic Year 2025/2026

For EU students, there are merit-based scholarships for the MSc in Medicine and Surgery for the academic year 2025/2026.

UniCamillus has provided financial benefits for students born and resident in Sicily who have enrolled in the first year.

Read the Article 9 of Rector’s Decree 693 – Call for applications for MSc Medicine and Surgery (Cefalù campus) – Academic Year 2025/2026

→  Scholarship Regulations for EU and Equivalent Students for MSc Medicine and Surgery – Academic Year 2025/2026

UniCamillus offers specific financial benefits for students who are children of employees, collaborators, and/or of professors of the University, provided they have passed the admission test and ranked high enough to enrol.

→  Read the Articole 1.4 of Scholarship Regulations for EU and Equivalent Students for MSc Medicine and Surgery – Academic Year 2025/2026 (in Italian)

Scholarships / Honours student loans

NON EU Students - academic year 2025/2026

The Foundation Progetto Salute, Promoter of UniCamillus, offers a number of scholarships which cover, fully or partially, tuition fees. They are intended for deserving and motivated NON EU students who are in financial need. In particular, the formula in use for the full scholarship is the “Honours student loan”: the loan covers the entirety of tuition fees and is considered redeemed if, after achieving the degree, the person comes back to the country of origin or a similar one, chosen in accordance with the university, to work for at least three years

The awarding of a full or partial scholarship is subject to an evaluation process independent from the admission test, but will take into account the ranking achieved in the admission test.

Intesa San Paolo loan

For students living in Italy

Intesa San Paolo is providing an honours student loan open to students living in Italy that are in good standing with the course of study chosen, called prestito “per Merito”.

⇒ For further information visit the dedicated page.


EU Students academic year 2024/2025

Regulations for the awarding of partial scholarships reserved for EU citizens and equivalent citizens who intend to enroll in the first year of the MSc Medicine and Surgery – Rome campus (taught in English) and the MSc Medicine and Surgery – Venice campus (taught in Italian).

Rome and Venice campuses – Regulations for scholarships for EU Students MSc Medicine and Surgery A.Y. 2024/2025

For EU Students, there are Scholarships for MSc in Medicine and Surgery for the academic year 2024/2025.

Read the Article 8 of RD 484 – Call Medicine EU 2024/25

Regulations for scholarships for EU students MSc Medicine and Surgery A.Y. 2024/2025 (in Italian)

For EU Students, there are Scholarships for MSc in Medicine and Surgery for the academic year 2024/2025 for the amount of EUR 3.750,00 (three thousand seven hundred and fifty/00).

Candidates with a valid ISEE Right to Study amounting to no more than EUR 55,000.00 (fifty-five thousand/00) provided that they are ranked among the first 20 in the general list and with residence in Veneto, are exempt from paying the sum of EUR 3,750.00 (three thousand seven hundred and fifty/00) to be paid by 28th February 2025 (as provided for the “Tuition Fees and Contributions Regulations for the academic year 2024-2025 Six-year Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery – Lido di Venezia Campus”). As such, they will be beneficiaries of merit scholarships financed by UniCamillus for the six-year degrees courses in Medicine and Surgery for the academic year 2024/2025.

Read the Article 7 of RD 343 – Call Medicine EU 2024/25

For EU Students, there are Scholarships for MSc in Medicine and Surgery for the academic year 2024/2025 for the amount of EUR 55,000.00 (fifty-five thousand/00).

Candidates with a valid ISEE Right to Study amounting to no more than EUR 55,000.00 (fifty-five thousand/00) provided that they are ranked among the first 50 in the general list, are exempt from paying the sum of EUR 5,250.00 (five thousand two hundred and fifty/00) to be paid by 28th February 2025 (as provided for the “Tuition Fees and Contributions Regulations for the academic year 2024-2025, EU and NON-EU students”). As such, they will be beneficiaries of merit scholarships financed by UniCamillus for the six-year degrees courses in Medicine and Surgery for the academic year 2024/2025.

Read the Article 7 of RD 341 – Call Medicine EU 2024/25

Scholarships / Honours student loans

NON EU Students - academic year 2024/2025

The Foundation Progetto Salute, Promoter of UniCamillus, offers a number of scholarships which cover, fully or partially, tuition fees. They are intended for deserving and motivated NON EU students who are in financial need. In particular, the formula in use for the full scholarship is the “Honours student loan”: the loan covers the entirety of tuition fees and is considered redeemed if, after achieving the degree, the person comes back to the country of origin or a similar one, chosen in accordance with the university, to work for at least three years

The awarding of a full or partial scholarship is subject to an evaluation process independent from the admission test, but will take into account the ranking achieved in the admission test.


EU Students academic year 2023/2024

For EU Students, there are Scholarships for Master’s Degree in Medicine and Surgery for the year 2023/2024 for the amount of Euro 7,000.00 (seven thousand/00). Will be exempted from the payment of the installment to be paid by 31 January 2024 (equal to Euro 7,000.00) the candidates of the ranking of merit with an ISEE Right to study during validity not exceeding Euro 55,000.00 (55,000/00) as long as they are classified in the top 20 in the ranking.