Maria Patrizia Stoppelli

Applied Biology - BIOS-10/A

Currently Research Director at Institute of Genetics and Biophysics, National Research Council.

She graduated from the University Federico II and has developed an internationally recognised
research profile in Tumour Biology with over 80 publications and patents to her name.

She has research experience in primary US Institutions like the National Cancer Institute and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In addition, she has tutored over 30 undergraduate and graduate students, including them in international collaborations and student exchanges supported by specific grants. She is a successful lead applicant to several granting agencies within Italy and Europe like AIRC, EMBO, FEBS, EU, ESF for funding research projects, workshops and fellowships. In 2012, se qualified as Full Professor in 05/E1 General and Clinical Biochemistry.

Among the current research interests is the identification of novel cyclic peptides with anti-migratory and anti-invasive properties and their application to the control of tumor microenvironment and metastatic dissemination.

UniCamillus Associate Professor.