
Veronica Ojetti

Internal Medicine - MEDS-05/A

Prof. Veronica Ojetti graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 1996 at the Catholic University of Rome, with a grade of 110/110 cum laude; she obtained in 2000 the degree of Specialization in Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy with a grade of 50/50 cum laude and in 2004 the PhD in “Pathophysiology of Body Districts” at the University of Tor Vergata – Rome with a grade of 50/50 cum laude.

Since April 2001 on a temporary basis and then since 2009 on a permanent basis, he has been medical director at the Department of Emergency and Acceptance of the University Polyclinic “A. Gemelli”- Rome.

Since May 1, 2021, he has been director of the UOC of Internal Medicine at San Carlo di Nancy GVM Care and Research Hospital in Rome.

Professor Ojetti holds teaching positions at the degree program in Medicine and Surgery and the school of specialization in Emergency Care at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome and at Unicamillus University.

She was speaker at several national and international conferences on Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, she is a Top Italian Scientist and author of more than 180 publications in international journals. Expert in diseases of gastroenterological interest and in the study of the human microbiota.

She is a member of the Italian Society of Gastroenterology and Emergency Urgent Medicine.