This is to to remind to all students enrolled at state and non-state Universities with registered offices in the Lazio Region that they are required to pay the annual regional tax for the right to study at the time of enrolment and upon renewal of enrolment for subsequent years. Therefore, students who have not yet paid the fee may do so by the deadline of 31/12/2022. The amount of the regional tax fee set for the 2022/2023 academic year is € 140.00.

The payment must be made by accessing the student’s portal, in the section “Tuition and Fees”>”Payments”. Once the student will have selected the tax whose deadline is December 31st 2022, he/she will have to choose one of these two payment methods:

– clicking on the “PagoPA” button the student will be redirected to the pagoPA website, where he/she can pay with the credit/debit card, via PayPal, via Satispay or by putting the bank account details;


– clicking on the download button, the system will download a PDF file containing the CBILL payment notice and there will be the possibility to pay either via home banking (ask to the own bank institution) or in any bank office, post office, tobacco shop or any other licensed facility.

Should the student have any difficulty in proceeding with the payment, he/she can contact the Registrar’s Office at the email address [email protected].

If the payment of the instalment fee of reference has already been done, please ignore this communication.