Single Courses

A.Y. 2024-2025

For the purposes of professional development, curricular integration, and cultural enrichment, it is possible to enroll in the individual courses listed in the table below, take the corresponding examination, and receive formal certification.

Enrollment is open to individuals who meet the following criteria:
– Students holding a five-year upper secondary school diploma;
– Graduates from UniCamillus or other Italian and international universities;
– Students currently enrolled in other Italian universities.

Students holding a foreign upper secondary school qualification must submit their diploma with a sworn translation in Italian or English, accompanied by the Verification and/or Comparability Statements issued by CIMEA. To obtain these statements, students can access the following link: and follow the required procedure.

Students coming from non-Italian universities must also provide a declaration issued by the competent Italian Embassy or Consulate confirming the recognition of the university by the relevant government.

Foreign students must additionally submit a student visa for study purposes.

History of MedicineMED/022II
Applied EconomicsSECS-P/062II
Moral PhilosophyM-FIL/033II
Human Anatomy IBIO/1610II
Histology and EmbriologyBIO/1710II
Physiology (I)BIO/099II
Methods and didactic approaches of physical activities (I)M-EDF/011II
Physiology (II)BIO/099II
Methods and didactic approaches of physical activities (II)M-EDF/021II
Immunology and immunopathologyMED/044II
Laboratory medicine technical sciencesMED/462II
General PathologyMED/046II

Application Submission Deadlines

Applications must be submitted exclusively by completing the designated form available on the University’s official website and sending it via certified email (PEC) to, attaching a valid identity document.

Applications will be processed in chronological order of receipt via PEC, subject to availability of places, and must be submitted within 1pm on 26th February 2025.

Following confirmation from the Student Office, applicants may proceed with online enrollment via the portal, following the instructions provided. Enrollment must be completed within 48 hours of the confirmation email sent by the Student Office.

Applications that are incomplete or submitted in a manner different from the one specified in this notice will be considered invalid.

For further information regarding the enrollment procedure, please contact the Student Office at

Lessons and Examinations

Classes will be held in person starting from March 2025 at the UniCamillus campus in Rome. The detailed schedule of lessons and examinations can be consulted on the University’s website at the following link:

Students enrolled in individual courses will take exams under the same conditions as those enrolled in degree programs.

Exam dates will be published on the University’s website, and all exams must be taken no later than 30th September 2025.

To be eligible for the exam, students must be up to date with the required tuition fees and must have attended at least 67% of the lessons scheduled in the relevant academic calendar.

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